Nick Kangadis
Asst. Managing Editor/Blogger/On-Air Talent

Nick Kangadis is an alumnus of the University of Arizona - Global Campus, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in Journalism & Mass Communications and minored in Political Science. He is currently the Assistant Managing Editor for MRCTV and MRC Culture.

Nick Kangadis | June 9, 2020
CNN’s Jim Acosta is back to his usual “look at me” schtick in which he makes bold claims about President Donald Trump in order to further his own career. In a Monday segment with fellow CNN propagandist - excuse me, anchor -  Anderson Cooper, Acosta said the Trump “would have to have an out of body experience” in order to make any kind of impactful speech about racial injustice in the wake of…
Nick Kangadis | June 9, 2020
The left is so completely out of their minds that they’re now apologizing for other people’s comments in the absence of an apology from the original person’s comments. If the person doesn’t want to apologize because they did nothing wrong, then who are you to speak for them in terms of kowtowing to the leftist mob or the Alphabet mafia? “Harry Potter” actor Daniel Radcliffe took it upon himself…
Nick Kangadis | June 9, 2020
The media are so disingenuous that they will literally change their tune on something in minutes as long as the tune provides a perfect harmony to their narratives. The ongoing pandemic and "peaceful protests" have shown Americans one thing for sure; the media aren't even trying to hide their bias anymore. They have little to no self-awareness, and the following example is provides the evidence…
Nick Kangadis | June 9, 2020
We're living in "Bizarro World," folks. There are very few news stories that come from the media where a reader or viewer wouldn't be able to question the validity of said stories. It's become increasingly difficult to discern what's real and what isn't anymore. Apparently, the New York Times (NYT) story that former president George W. Bush - as well as a few other "Republican leaders" - weren't…
Nick Kangadis | June 8, 2020
People have lost their minds. The portion of people that simply don't want to hear anything that doesn't exactly match their way of thinking seems to be increasing, and they won't help society at all in the end. Actor Terry Crews sent out a tweet on Sunday calling for black people not to try and defeat "white supremacy" without the aid of white people, saying that "we are all in this together…
Nick Kangadis | June 8, 2020
Remember the "opposite game" from when you were a kid? If you said something another student didn't like or didn't agree with, they'd say it was "opposite day." That game was a goof, and no one ever took it seriously. But it currently feels as if up is down and left is right, like we're living in an alternate reality or "The Twilight Zone." This might be the society we live in now, but I refuse…
Nick Kangadis | June 8, 2020
Who knows what's real anymore? One week you have Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey basically tweeting his support for any kind of demonstration in the wake of the death of George Floyd. The next week Frey is being booed and shamed away from a gathering of thousands of protesters in Minneapolis. Frey was asked by a speaker at the Saturday event whether or not he would support defunding the Minneapolis…
Nick Kangadis | June 8, 2020
While protests took place around the country, there was a group of people neglected yet again by protesters - victims of shootings in Chicago. I’ve seen people bring up the Chicago shooting victims to activists, and the activists merely respond by saying that it isn’t the right time to talk about it. Well, when is the “right time?” I’ve been writing about weekend violence in Chicago for years,…
Nick Kangadis | June 8, 2020
I was tired of this a couple of years ago. Now, in the wake of the death of George Floyd and racially-driven protesting all over the country, the National Football League (NFL) and President Donald Trump are back in a war of words over whether the kneeling protests are disrespectful to the flag and the national anthem or not. Deja vu, anyone? NFL commissioner Roger Goodell posted a video to…
Nick Kangadis | June 5, 2020
Is the current racial divide in this country about people actually caring about black people or is it more about "orange man bad?" The mayor of Washington D.C. seems deadset on shoving her activism in the face of President Donald Trump and the nation following a city block-wide painting of the term "Black Lives Matter" and another city government action designed to divide rather than unite.…