Nick Kangadis
Asst. Managing Editor/Blogger/On-Air Talent

Nick Kangadis is an alumnus of the University of Arizona - Global Campus, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in Journalism & Mass Communications and minored in Political Science. He is currently the Assistant Managing Editor for MRCTV and MRC Culture.

Nick Kangadis | May 17, 2022
  While it remains unclear exactly where Tesla CEO Elon Musk sits on the political spectrum, he will occasionally say something that gives at least a hint as to where he stands. Speaking with “The All-In Podcast” on Monday, one of the hosts asked for Musk’s thoughts on the false premise that both former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden are the same on immigration in…
Nick Kangadis | May 17, 2022
Hey, remember the border? No, not the Ukrainian border that our politicians love to try and throw billions and billions of dollars at. Nope, I’m talking about the U.S. southern border with Mexico. Yeah, that thing still apparently exists! No one pays much attention to it, but it’s allegedly still there. Well, in case you were wondering how that thing that used to be a barrier that protected our…
Nick Kangadis | May 17, 2022
“Twitter does not believe in free speech.” The statement above was one of the main takeaways from the newest undercover video from investigative journalism outlet, Project Veritas. Vertias looks to have spoken multiple times with Twitter Senior Engineer Siru Murugesan about the culture within the social media company and what it’s been like since Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been in talks to…
Nick Kangadis | May 16, 2022
Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane is reliably leftist, but one issue where his show resists the woke narrative is on trans insanity. On Sunday, Family Guy did it again, premiering a new episode making fun of current transgender madness. This video clipped to illustrate a…
Nick Kangadis | May 16, 2022
Should it be controversial to call a perceived dictator a “dictator?” Apparently, if you’re a leftist you’ll support just about anyone who will give you free stuff as long as you’re a compliant little sheep. While hosting Gad Saad, professor of Marketing at Concordia University, on a recent edition of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, Joe Rogan had some choice words for authoritarian Canadian…
Nick Kangadis | May 16, 2022
Oh no! Say it isn’t so! Two of the most annoying and self-centered talking heads of the last five years joined forces on Sunday evening for an interview in which both the question and answer were of no surprise to anyone. Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) “Dr.” Anthony Fauci spoke with former White House correspondent and CNN host Jim “I live to be…
Nick Kangadis | May 16, 2022
NBC's 2022 Billboard Music Awards pushed a pro-abortion agenda on Sunday night, using a girlish teen activist as their mouthpiece. The embarrassed kid stumbled over an awkwardly adult speech that was obviously written by ideologically invested grown-ups. Billboard Music Awards Pushes Roe, but Rapper Mentions "Unborn Child" | Newsbusters This video clipped to illustrate a post on the MRC Culture…
Nick Kangadis | May 13, 2022
MRC - Culture   This video was clipped to illustrate a blog post on NewsBusters blog.
Nick Kangadis | May 13, 2022
Who in government can’t be accused of possibly lying about their actions within the current regime? At this point, it would probably take less time to list those that haven’t “allegedly” lied than to list those that have. Remember when Attorney General Merrick Garland told Congress last October that the Department of Justice (DOJ) wasn’t targeting parents upset with their local school boards for…
Nick Kangadis | May 13, 2022
Per usual with major corporate entities, when they seem to make moves or announcements that are reasonable rather than “woke,” I employ the mentality of, ‘I’ll believe it when I see it.’ Variety reported that Netflix was updating a memo on the “culture” of the company, and it probably won’t sit well with employees who like to nitpick every little thing because they’re perpetually offended. The…