Nicholas Fondacaro
Associate Editor
Nicholas Fondacaro | January 8, 2024
In something akin to shouting “I quit” after your employer shows you the door, far-left now-former MSNBC host and pro-terrorist agitator Mehdi Hasan announced Sunday night that he was leaving MSNBC after the network canceled his weekend show after three years. “But as we begin 2024 with an election coming, a war still ongoing, and too many Trump trials, honestly, to even keep track of, and with…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 22, 2023
While many in the liberal media have shifted support away from Israel in favor of demanding a cease-fire that would benefit Hamas terrorists, CNN senior international correspondent Will Ripley seemed to buck the network’s line during an appearance on Friday’s CNN This Morning. While reporting on Hamas killing another October 7 hostage, Ripley let his emotions take over as he lamented the death…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 21, 2023
After initially celebrating the Colorado Supreme Court’s legally dubious ruling to take former President Trump off the ballot as “a historic level of accountability for January 6th” during Wednesday’s CNN This morning, the network decided to bring on a lucid legal mind during The Lead in former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, who smacked down their hype by calling the ruling a “denial of due…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 20, 2023
The liberals of CNN This Morning were in a very good mood on Wednesday after the far-left Colorado Supreme Court ruled to boot former President Trump off the 2024 ballot. Instead of questioning the legality of a state-level court invoking the 14th Amendment for a federal position, they celebrated the ruling as “a historic level of accountability for January 6th.” They also looked forward to…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 20, 2023
According to the liberal media, Republicans and their heartless laws that protected unborn life were putting lives in danger. But when it came to admitting that Oregon’s drug decriminalization law had become an unmitigated and deadly disaster, Wednesday’s CBS Mornings was noticeably mute on casting blame on the party that controlled all aspects of the state government: Democrats. And even while…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 19, 2023
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow might as well have been standing in front of a corkboard with newspaper clippings and red twine during Monday’s edition of her eponymous show. The ranting Maddow opened her once-a-week show with an over 25-minute screed where she stitched together a bizarre argument that tied the recent increase in anti-Semitism in the U.S. to the Ku Klux Klan (not the pro-Hamas crowd), to…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 18, 2023
CNN carnival barker Jim Acosta decided to have a little powwow with longtime Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg while filling as host of Monday’s Inside Politics. While Acosta was desperately trying to hang on to the White House’s false talking point that the economy was all sunshine and roses ahead of an election year, Greenberg told him he needed to “get out of the bubble” and actually meet…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 18, 2023
Perhaps desperate for the kind of electoral bump that an assassination attempt on a sitting president would bring, ABC’s Good Morning America seemingly tried to hype up a collision involving the presidential motorcade as a serious attempt on his life. And despite the fact authorities charged the driver involved with driving under the influence, and that the incident happened down the street from…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 18, 2023
During Monday’s CBS Mornings, the network mourned for militants as they whined that Israel had “doubled down on its mission to eliminate Hamas even as pressure rose for a cease-fire.” Foreign correspondent Ramy Inocencio seemed irritated that the Jewish State of Israel wasn’t backing down from those looking to carry out a genocide against them. “Now to Israel where pressure is growing to pause…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 14, 2023
The crack sleuths on MSNBC were on the case Thursday afternoon and got to the bottom of the impeachment probe of President Joe Biden. No, they didn’t take the accusations of corruption seriously and they didn’t care to dig into the Biden family’s tangled web of shell companies getting payments from foreign entities. But what they did purport to discover was the motive of House Republicans in…