Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | June 30, 2013
On Face the Nation, Texas state senator Wendy David, who went from being a virtual unknown nationally to being a rising Dem star and appearing on three Sunday talk shows, accused politicians of using the abortion issue "to boost their own political aspirations."
MarkF | June 27, 2013
Oon Morning Joe, Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post described the protest by pro-abortion rights advocates that prevented a vote on pro-life legislation in the Texas state legislature an example of "democracy in action." Joe Scarborough says that if pro-life protesters had done the same thing, they would be described at MSNBC and elsewhere as an "angry, unruly mob."   New York Times…
MarkF | June 25, 2013
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says the prosecution in the George Zimmerman case has a big hill to climb because, among other things, "you don't know who fired the shot."  In fact, Zimmerman has always admitted firing the shot, albeit in self-defense. 
MarkF | June 24, 2013
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says the lack of African-American jurors on the George Zimmerman jury makes a verdict "immediately" subject to appeal, thus ignorning the rule against double jeopardy.
MarkF | June 22, 2013
On her MSNBC show this morning, Melissa Harris-Perry vilifies John Boehner as a "villian," a "bad guy" and "pitiful."  Harris-Perry calls Nancy Pelosi "one of the most effective Leaders in the House's history."  So effective that, as a result of her disastrous leadership, Pelosi's
MarkF | June 20, 2013
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski has a strong, positive, emotional reaction to a TV ad by Joe Manchin, responding to one by the NRA that had criticized him for supporting new gun control measures.
MarkF | June 19, 2013
Morning Joe does an extended bleeping of an accusation by the late reporter Michael Hastings to Hillary Clinton's personal spokesman that he was giving "b---s---" answers on the State Department's handling of Benghazi.
MarkF | June 10, 2013
On Morning Joe, Glenn Greenwald of the UK Guardian, who broke the story on the NSA accumulation of the phone records of US citizens, accuses Mika Brzezinski of using "false and misleading" White House talking points in her questioning of him.  Brzezinski denies it.
MarkF | June 5, 2013
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle says "a lot of men fear the fact that women have better balance than men, they have better judgment" than a lot of men.
MarkF | June 3, 2013
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski says that Darrell Issa having called Jay Carney a "paid liar" "makes us all want to walk away and ignore" the IRS scandal.