Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | August 28, 2013
On Morning Joe, presidential historian Jon Meacham tries to lower the bar for President Obama's speech on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, saying "the country has put an enormous amount of expectation on him . . . since he first came on the stage in 2004 . . . we sometimes have-often have--unrealistic expectations of the office."
MarkF | August 26, 2013
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough defends voter ID laws, saying most Americans don't think it's racist to require photo ID to vote.  He tries to persuade a reluctant Mike Allen of Politico.
MarkF | August 23, 2013
During a townhall at Binghamton University, President Obama warns against "eating your corn seed," thus trampling the metaphor "like eating your seed corn."  He also claims that "we don't have an urgent deficit crisis."
MarkF | August 21, 2013
On MSNBC, Chris Matthews questions the length of Bradley Manning's prison sentence, calling Manning "a frail guy who doesn't look threatening to anyone.
MarkF | August 16, 2013
On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough condemns Republicans who "support[ed] George Zimmerman before they even knew the facts of the case."  Scarborough then added: "you know, I got out early, said some things about George Zimmerman myself. I wouldn't have said, perhaps. I got overly emotional. I'm not in office. If I were in office I would have apologized."Scarborough didn't explain the "some…
MarkF | August 15, 2013
MSNBC's "Way Too Early" displays a tweet from a viewer using an unexpurgated f-bomb.
MarkF | August 14, 2013
Kathleen Parker appears on Morning Joe to discuss her column suggesting that Hillary Clinton run for president on the narrative that she can "save the world."
MarkF | August 8, 2013
On her MSNBC show, Andrea Mitchell and Robert Gibbs agree that the planned NBC miniseries about Hillary Clinton is "a bad idea."
MarkF | August 8, 2013
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski announces that she will participate in an upcoming pay protest by fast-food workers in Detroit.  Joe Scarborough attempts to explain Econ 101 to her and says he'll be on the sidelines of the protest with a bullhorn.
MarkF | August 7, 2013
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough alludes to conservative bloggers as "very stupid people" in their mama's basement "writing really stupid things about me."