Craig Bannister
Craig Bannister | April 13, 2015
If Congress does not pass legislation to cut immigration rates, the U.S. will legally add at least 10 million new permanent immigrants over the next 10 years—a bloc of new residents larger than the COMBINED population of seven major U.S. cities: Atlanta (population: 447,000), Los Angeles (3.88 million), Chicago (2.7 million), Boston (645,000), Denver (650,000), St. Louis (318,000), and…
Craig Bannister | April 10, 2015
Small businesses are warning Americans not to buy EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy’s spin on her agency’s takeover of local water regulation – which will crush even the smallest landowner with financial and regulatory burdens.  “If your property includes a pond, a creek or even a dry stream bed that gets wet once a year, you’re about to come under the same rules that would govern a casino…
Craig Bannister | April 8, 2015
In Our Lost Constitution, author Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) uses Founding Father flashbacks to show how and why six of the Constitution’s most vital provisions were created – and how they’ve been marginalized and threatened by neglect and political maneuvering. Lee explains how this neglect of these provisions is having real-life consequences today – such as Obamacare, NSA snooping, and excessive…
Craig Bannister | April 6, 2015
George Zimmerman has received threats and “a huge amount of horrible, hateful negative responses” after his first public video statement on the Trayvon Martin shooting death, his attorney tells MRCTV. Zimmerman attorney Howard Iken, of the Florida law firm Ayo and Iken, tells MRCTV that Zimmerman’s online video has received overwhelming response - but hateful, vulgar, and even threatening,…
Craig Bannister | April 1, 2015
Following George Zimmerman’s first public video statement regarding the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman’s attorney spoke with MRCTV via Skype regarding the media’s reaction to the video. Attorney Howard Iken of the law firm Ayo and Iken in Florida charged that some media outlets reporting on Zimmerman’s statement “twisted his words” – some using “outright lies.” MRCTV: “Now, how has…
Craig Bannister | March 23, 2015
U.S. Customs and Border agents in Laredo, Texas are gearing up for a Holy Week “surge” in visitors – especially those bringing deadly “cascarones” (confetti-filled egg shells) into the U.S. Just like other Easter egg shells, cascarones symbolize rebirth and resurrection – but, they are traditionally broken over someone's head, to bring them good luck. “Laredo Field Office is taking a proactive…
Craig Bannister | March 20, 2015
Pres. Obama issued a new anti-greenhouse gas (GHG) executive order Thursday that creates a “scorecard” of federal contractor greenhouse gas emissions and reduction targets. Also on Thursday, the White House released a “fact sheet” announcing the executive order and detailing the new “scorecard." “Sec. 15. Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Management. In implementing the greenhouse gas management…
Craig Bannister | March 19, 2015
Today, Pres. Obama issued an executive order to reduce federal government greenhouse gas emissions and increase “sustainability” that includes a mandate to cut federal agencies’ water consumption by 36% over the next ten years. The executive order requires federal agencies to: “Sec. 3 (f) improve agency water use efficiency and management, including stormwater management by: (i) reducing…
Craig Bannister | March 18, 2015
“We want to see a legal pathway for the future for Irish people,” Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny told Pres. Obama at a St. Patrick’s Day celebration this week. After praising Obama’s executive actions, Kenny addressed the “undocumented Irish” problem, saying he wants Obama to take measures to “allow our undocumented to come out of the shadows.” Kenny even went so far as to suggest that U.S.…
Craig Bannister | March 17, 2015
American Enterprise Institute's Resident Scholar, and former professor, Christina Hoff Sommers debunks feminist myths such as the “Gender Wage Gap” in an educational video. “Women who are plagued by workplace injustice or sexual violence will be best helped by truth and solid research – not by hysteria and hype,” Sommers says, citing data disproving the feminists’ “Gender Wage Gap” mantra.…