Ken Shepherd | February 9, 2009
MRC Director of Research Rich Noyes discussing President Obama's campaigning for passage of a massive spending package in Congress. Noyes notes poll…
Ken Shepherd | February 4, 2009
Brent Bozell's statement on ABC's George Stephanopoulos and his daily strategy phone calls with Obama chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel.
Ken Shepherd | February 4, 2009
Jay Carney, Linda Douglass, and Sanjay Gupta are just three examples of the "media wing of the Democratic Party," MRC Director of Communications…
Brent Baker | January 23, 2009
Sean Hannity debuted his “Media Mash” segment Friday night on his FNC show with NewsBusters Senior Editor Tim Graham as the guest expert to comment…
Ken Shepherd | January 22, 2009
"It really was over-the-top. Look, Obama is their investment. They did the best they could to elect him," MRC's Brent Bozell said of the liberal…
Ken Shepherd | January 20, 2009
President George W. Bush let his opponents and the biased media define him and had a poor communications strategy that hurt his presidency, MRC…
Ken Shepherd | January 16, 2009
MRC's Brent Bozell on the Jan. 16 "Fox & Friends" discussing how the AP is giddy over Obama's 2009 inaugural while four years ago the news wire…
Seton Motley | January 7, 2009
MRC's Seton Motley appeared on this morning's Fox & Friends on the Fox News Channel to discuss the egregious media double standard when it comes…
Seton Motley | January 7, 2009
MRC's Seton Motley appeared on this morning's Fox & Friends on the Fox News Channel to discuss the egregious media double standard when it comes…
KristineLawrence | December 23, 2008
The MRC's President Brent Bozell appears on Fox and Friends to discuss the MRC's annual Best of Notable Quotable awards for the most outrageous…
Ken Shepherd | December 17, 2008
MRC President Brent Bozell talked with the "Fox & Friends" gang about the media's lack of concern about Caroline Kennedy's lack of experience in…
Ken Shepherd | November 19, 2008
"It's one thing to cover the honeymoon and it's another to be in bed with the honeymooners," NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell quipped of the Barack…