Scott Whitlock | June 1, 2010
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes appeared on Fox and Friends on May 29 to compare the mainstream media's relatively accommodating coverage of Obama's…
Scott Whitlock | May 28, 2010
In the May 27 installment of "Media Mash," Brent Bozell compared the mainstream media's coverage of Hurricane Katrina to the BP oil spill.
Scott Whitlock | May 25, 2010
Brent Bozell appeared on the May 25 program to discuss the media's coverage of Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut Attorney General who reportedly…
Ken Shepherd | May 24, 2010
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (D) "loves to prosecute businesses for potentially misleading advertising" but when he's exposed as a…
Scott Whitlock | May 17, 2010
Is the media giving Elena Kagan a pass? Brent Bozell appeared on "Fox and Friends" on May 17 to discuss the media's double standard on SCOTUS nominee…
Scott Whitlock | May 14, 2010
MRC President Brent Bozell appeared on the May 13 "Hannity" to analyze the liberal media's coverage of the Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination and…
Ken Shepherd | May 11, 2010
On his May 10 program, Bill O'Reilly talked with Fox News contributor and friend of the Media Research Center Bernard Goldberg about the findings of…
Stephen Gutowski | May 10, 2010
On the May 8 "Fox News Watch", panelist Jim Pinkerton referred to Tim Graham's May 6 Media Reality Check study entitled "Elitest Networks Pile On…
Scott Whitlock | May 7, 2010
MRC President Brent Bozell appeared on the May 6 edition of "Hannity" for the latest edition of "Media Mash," a look at the most egregious examples…
Scott Whitlock | May 7, 2010
MRC President Brent Bozell appeared on Fox and Friends to analyze the mainstream media's coverage of the Times Square Bomber.
Ken Shepherd | May 6, 2010
NewsBusters contributor Scott Whitlock's May 4 item, "MSNBC's Contessa Brewer 'Frustrated' That Times Square Bomber Is a Muslim" was noticed by Fox…
Ken Shepherd | April 27, 2010
MRC President Brent Bozell appeared on the April 27 "Fox & Friends" to discuss how the media portray Tea Parties as hot beds of potential…