Media Research Center

StuJ | April 4, 2008
“Since he lost the election, Al Gore has become a certified celebrity, a popular prophet of global warming....When Al Gore ran for President in…
Rich Noyes | March 31, 2008
Profiling Al Gore on the March 30 60 Minutes, CBS's Lesley Stahl argued that Gore is now "a certified celebrity....passionate and animated, a man…
Rich Noyes | March 23, 2008
On the March 23, 2008 Face the Nation, Roger Simon of "The Politico" assessed Barack Obama's speech on race: "Obama really won over his base; he won…
Rich Noyes | March 18, 2008
Filling in as anchor of the March 18 "Anderson Cooper 360," CNN's Campbell Brown praised Barack Obama's speech on race as "daring" and passionate.
Ken Shepherd | March 18, 2008
Sen. Hillary Clinton has recalled facing "sniper fire" on her 1996 trip to Bosnia. But reporters traveling with the then-first lady made no reference…
Rich Noyes | March 14, 2008
On his March 13 Anderson Cooper 360, the anchor deplored covering the Jeremiah Wright story that was hurting Obama's campaign, but: "Like it or not,…
Rich Noyes | February 15, 2008
On the Valentine's Day edition of his MSNBC Countdown program, Keith Olbermann blasted President Bush as a fascist: "You're a fascist! Get them to…
Brent Baker | February 11, 2008
"Today, for a brief, shining hour the young got to see what we saw. Not the gauzy images of Camelot but the living spirit of the New Frontier."
Brent Baker | February 9, 2008
Bill Maher, on the Fe8. 8 "Real Time" on HBO, said this of Rush Limbaugh's drug use: "Why couldn't, why couldn't have he croaked from it instead of…
Rich Noyes | January 29, 2008
On ABC's Nightline (January 28), reporter David Wright gushed over Kennedy's endorsement: "The audacity of hope had its rendezvous with destiny....…
Rich Noyes | September 24, 2007
Scott Pelley conducted a very tough interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which aired on Sunday's 60 Minutes, but on Monday’s Early…
Rich Noyes | May 17, 2007
On the May 17, 2007 edition of ABC's The View, Rosie O'Donnell stunned her co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck when she suggested that American soldiers are…