Media Research Center

Rich Noyes | October 15, 2008
On the October 14, 2008 Hardball, Chris Matthews scoffed that the comparison of Sarah Palin with Hillary Clinton "is the comparison between an igloo…
Brent Baker | October 7, 2008
CBS anchor Katie Couric juxtaposed how Obama "was given a police escort to his hotel," as if that's anything unusual for a presidential nominee, with…
Rich Noyes | October 7, 2008
On the October 5 Face the Nation, CBS's Bob Schieffer chastised Sarah Palin for turning the campaign "down and dirty," suggesting she was acting as "…
Brent Baker | October 6, 2008
The supposedly "undecided voters" chosen by CBS to react to the latest presidential debate condemned John McCain's reference to Barack Obama as "that…
Rich Noyes | October 3, 2008
Hours before the October 2 vice presidential debate, MSNBC's Chris Matthews mocked Sarah Palin's smarts, asking whether "cute will beat brains."
Brent Baker | October 2, 2008
Two themes in post-VP debate coverage Thursday night: First, “surprise” that Sarah Palin wasn't a “car wreck” and “did not embarrass herself.”...
Brent Baker | October 2, 2008
David Letterman on Friday (10/3/08) asked guest Brian Williams if the nation can risk “a beginner in the passenger seat” and, in a sexist shot,…
Mhumphrey | October 2, 2008
Chris Matthews repeatedly asked his guests if Sarah Palin's "brain" was up to the task for tonight's vice presidential debate
Mhumphrey | October 2, 2008
"Hardball" host Chris Matthews ventured into a crowd of students before the Oct. 2 vice-presidential debate to see what they want in a candidate.…
Brent Baker | October 1, 2008
Barry Sonnenfeld, movie director (Men in Black) and Emmy-winning director of Pushing Daisies, said on (10/1) Late Show he's “worried” Bush will do…
Rich Noyes | September 29, 2008
After the Sept. 26 presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama, MSNBC's Chris Matthews disparaged McCain as angry, grumpy, "like a…
Mhumphrey | September 26, 2008
CNN's Amanpour quibbled over McCain's stumble over Iranian leader Ahmadinejad's name: "On sort of a cosmetic level, I was quite -- I sort of giggled…