Nicholas Fondacaro
Associate Editor
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 24, 2016
The liberal media is known for ignoring facts to help push their narrative against conservatives. But rarely is it as egregious as what occurred on Morning Joe Thursday morning. During the seven o’clock hour co-host Mika Brzezinski reported on a set of polls, one of which was this Fox News poll, showing GOP front runner Donald Trump losing by double digits to Hillary Clinton. A few minutes later…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 23, 2016
For most of Wednesday MSNBC anchors and commentators spent their time putting Donald Trump and Ted Cruz through the ringer for their positions on fighting ISIS, and taking on radical Islamic terrorism. They would do this while praising Hillary for her in foreign policy experience and declaring her “the adult in the room.” During Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski let it be known that she fears…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 22, 2016
Before the bodies of the victims of the ISIS terrorist attacks in Belgium were cold, an MSNBC Terror Analyst declared that Belgium society was to blame for the death and destruction. “Why is it that Muslims and other immigrants in Belgian have such problem integrating with local society? Why is it that they do not feel like they are Belgian? Why is it that they are ghettoized into these …
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 22, 2016
Tuesday was a sad and terrible day for Belgium as all eyes and prayers turned Brussels in the wake of Radical Islamic terror attacks. As of the writing of this piece it is known that there were four bombings in the city, two at an airport and two in the subway system. The knowledge that the attacks were bombings didn’t stop Atlantic Washington editor Steve Clemons, who phoned into MSNBC and was…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 18, 2016
Joe Scarborough may not have been on Friday’s Morning Joe, because his band was performing at SXSW but that didn’t stop the liberal bias from flowing. Everything from Republican Partybashing to Hillary Clinton-praising was out on display going into the weekend. “This buffoonery is at a level that I think the latest poll on the Republican party as far as just -- as a brand, it is an all time -- I…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 17, 2016
With President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee announcement, the liberal media rushed to label Judge Merrick Garland a moderate and hammer Senate Republicans as obstructionists. It was no different on Thursday’s Morning Joe. “From the get-go, the Republicans have been saying no before they even knew what it was the President was going to put out.” Said co-host Mika Brzezinski clearly agitated. “You…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 15, 2016
That’s it, the GOP primary is over and all the other campaigns can go home because Donald Trump is the GOP nominee, or so Morning Joe would have you believe. “And let me say that at 10 after the hour right here, Mika, the overwhelming odds have it that Donald Trump's going to win this thing outright.” Joe Scarborough said of the fate of the GOP primary cycle. The morning of the third Super…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 10, 2016
After helping drive the Donald Trump clown car for nine months, Joe Scarborough was furious that the GOP primary ended up in the ditch Thursday morning. “They perform so poorly on-- This year on a fifth-grade level and constantly send one clown after another clown after another clown up on the national stage and tarnishes the Republican brand in the way that they have for years now.”  Meanwhile,…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 9, 2016
The voting results from the latest "Super Tuesday" are in and Morning Joe wasted little time diving in and analyzing the results on Wednesday morning. Their conclusion? Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio needs to drop out right now, before the winner-take-all Sunshine State primary, and beg Donald Trump to be his vice presidential running mate. Co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 7, 2016
During a conversation on Monday’s Morning Joe panelists Nicolle Wallace took issue with a more vocal anti- Donald Trump movement within the Republican Party. “There are legitimate anti-Trump movements, they are the candidacies of his opponents. And then there are illegitimate anti-Trump movements. I think to the degree the party bosses look like they’re are on the scale, those are completely…