Morning Joe: Republican's Are 'Again' Responsible for a 'Broken' Washington

Nicholas Fondacaro | March 17, 2016
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With President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee announcement, the liberal media rushed to label Judge Merrick Garland a moderate and hammer Senate Republicans as obstructionists. It was no different on Thursday’s Morning Joe. “From the get-go, the Republicans have been saying no before they even knew what it was the President was going to put out.” Said co-host Mika Brzezinski clearly agitated. “You see it know with the Supreme Court nominee. Again.

Brzezinski was also put off by Senator Mitch McConnell sticking to his tactic of refusing to even meet with Garland. “They’re still doing it. They’re still doing it!” Co-host Joe Scarborough also had his own criticisms of Senate Republicans saying:

I’m just curious. Has nobody in Washington, D.C., on the Republican side, ever heard of the slow roll? [In an old southern accent] “Yes, yeah let me check my calendar, and I'll call you back and we will get you before judiciary committee sometime this summer, sir.””