Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | September 16, 2014
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski perpetuates the myth of a spike in domestic violence on Super Bowl Sunday.
MarkF | September 15, 2014
On MSNBC's The Cycle, Touré condemns the censorship of graphic war photos, citing one in particular taken during the first Gulf War.  But Toure then censors the photo himself, saying "it's so graphic I can't show it to you now."
MarkF | September 15, 2014
When Mika Brzezinski suggests to New York Times reporter Alan Schwarz that sponsors should boycott the NFL over the domestic violence scandal, Schwarz asks whether NBC should therefore stop supporting the NFL by broadcasting Sunday night games.  A testy exchange with Joe Scarborough ensues, and Scarborough continues criticizing Schwarz after he has left the air.
MarkF | September 13, 2014
On MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry show, far-left guest Phyllis Bennis claims that many US soldiers aren't true volunteers but are "forced in by poverty and lack of other opportunities."
MarkF | September 13, 2014
On MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry show, far-left guest Phyllis Bennis claims that many US soldiers don't really volunteer but are "forced in" by poverty and lack of opportunities. 
MarkF | September 11, 2014
On Hardball, Chris Matthews says he's a "skeptic" about President Obama's ISIS strategy.  Having excluded American boots on the ground, the President must rely on foreign partners to hold territory.  Matthews doubts that any such viable partners exist.
MarkF | September 11, 2014
In his speech of September 10, 2014, President Obama boasts that his plan to defeat ISIS represents "American leadership at its best."
MarkF | September 10, 2014
Last month on his MSNBC show, Ed Schultz argued against any "military intervention at all" in Iraq.  On this evening's show, Schultz says President Obama should not rule out "boots on the ground" and shouldn't "outsource" fighting to forces from other countries. 
MarkF | September 9, 2014
All members of the Morning Joe panel speak approvingly of SheRides, a new taxi service that hires only women drivers and accepts only women passengers.
MarkF | September 8, 2014
On the Ed Show, NOW President Terry O'Neill, speaking of Wendy Davis' race for the governorship of Texas, says "this has always been very much an uphill battle."