Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | May 11, 2018
Maxine Waters lost her ever-loving mind on the House floor this week after a Republican congressman dared to suggest the country should stop focusing so much on what divides us and focus on what brings us together as a nation. It all went down during a committee debate on nixing Obama-era anti-discrimination rules against auto-lenders, where one GOP congressman pointed out that the nation may be…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 10, 2018
Chanel creative director and fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld might wear some pretty outrageous outfits, but his stance on Germany’s migrant crisis seems to make a lot of sense. The German clothing designer told a French publication this week that he’d renounce his German citizenship if German Chancellor Angela Merkel lets in another 1 million refugees – on top of the 1 million she’s already allowed…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 10, 2018
A female student at Cornell University – which is Ivy League, by the way – stripped down to her unmentionables before presenting her senior thesis in order to fight the patriarchy. Because nothing says “don’t objectify me and to hell with men” quite like giving them a free eyeful of your goodies. The whole thing started when senior Leticia Chai was practicing her thesis recitation for her…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 10, 2018
A self-described "sexuality expert" told ABC News that parents should begin asking their infants' permission before changing their diapers. And yes, this is real - I couldn't make this crap up if I tried. Pun intended.  Deanne Carson, who markets herself as a "sexual consent expert" who says she works with children as young as infants, made the outlandish claim on an Australian ABC News outlet…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 10, 2018
IndieWire, a popular film and TV news site, published a piece from writer Zack Sharf who complained actor Chris Pratt earned about $2 million more for his role in the latest Jurassic Park installment than his female counterpart, Bryce Dallas Howard. "The title remains one of the biggest releases of the decade," Sharf states. "Despite the film’s massive box office earnings, co-leads Chris Pratt …
Brittany M. Hughes | May 10, 2018
“Comedienne” Michelle Wolf told Late Night’s Seth Meyers Wednesday that “everyone loved” her White House Correspondents Dinner monologue – even, she claimed, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who Wolf had mocked in her speech as “an Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women” who “burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye.” From…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 9, 2018
Now-former New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman left office with his tail between his legs this week after several women came forward and accused him of assault. And that was just a little shocking. What’s not shocking? The fact that all those liberals who used to hail him as a hero of the Trump “resistance” are now falling all over themselves to pretend like they weren’t worshipping him…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 9, 2018
The problem of women suffering the aftermath of forced female genital mutilation has gotten so bad in the U.K., Wales has had to open a whole clinic just to serve FGM survivors. According to the BBC, the newly-launched Women's Wellbeing Clinic at Cardiff Royal Infirmary will offer specialized care and counseling for the estimated 2,000 FGM victims living in Wales. A stunning 132 women were…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 8, 2018
Former President Barack Obama, whose legacy is basically being dismantled and tossed in the garbage can piece by piece by the Trump administration, responded to Trump's announcement Tuesday that the U.S. will be pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal. Which, you may recall, Obama entered into unilaterally without going through the constitutional treaty process via Congress.  Now, the former…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 8, 2018
French president Emmanuel Macron criticized President Trump’s announcement that the U.S. would be pulling out of the Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran Tuesday, saying that France and other European nations “regret” Trump’s decision. Trump announced Tuesday afternoon that the U.S. would nix the nuke deal, which was enacted back in 2015. The multi-nation deal, which the U.S. entered via a…