Brad Wilmouth
bradwilmouth | September 26, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog Over the past couple of days, morning shows on both CNN and MSNBC have hyped alarmist predictions made by a United Nations panel about how global warming will affect the world over the next 100 years. On CNN's New Day, co-host Alisyn Camerota asked climate correspondent Bill Weir, "How do you get out of bed in the morning?" after he finished detailing…
bradwilmouth | September 25, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog Over the past couple of weeks, the dominant media have displayed a classic example of their double standard in deciding which police shootings are worthy of coverage and which are less so. The networks that repeatedly hype stories that give the wrong impression that nearly all police shooting victims are black -- even though about 75 percent are either…
bradwilmouth | September 25, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog CNN started this week off by displaying a classic racial double standard in its coverage of police officers shooting suspects under questionable circumstances. In contrast with last spring when CNN barely touched the trial of a black male Minneapolis police officer who shot and killed an unarmed white woman, Justine Damond, after she called 911 for…
bradwilmouth | September 18, 2019
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Tuesday's Cuomo Prime Time, liberal host Chris Cuomo got into a heated debate with conservative contributor Steve Cortes as the two discussed the immigration issue and President Donald Trump's recent rally in New Mexico in which the President joked with supporter Cortes about his Hispanic ancestry. After Cortes called out Cuomo, and presumably…
bradwilmouth | September 17, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Tuesday's New Day show, as John Avlon recited a piece on the history of Presidents facing opponents within their own party, the CNN political analyst took a gratuitous cheap shot at Pat Buchanan's 1992 Republican convention speech by vaguely likening him to Adolf Hitler. The crack had nothing to do with the overall point of the segment. But, even…
bradwilmouth | September 16, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog Over the past several days, in contrast with the other networks, Fox News Channel has been giving attention to one of the Parkland parents who is pro-gun and blames President Barack Obama and other Democrats for making it easier for Nikolas Cruz to murder his daughter, Meadow, and 16 other students at Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018. Andrew…
bradwilmouth | September 15, 2019
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, New York Times opinion editor Bari Weiss not only complained about the media and her own paper's tendency to pander to what excites the Twittersphere, but she also called out her fellow left-wingers who have been tolerant of anti-Semitism. She and fellow liberal Krystal Ball, formerly of MSNBC, got into a heated debate as Ball…
bradwilmouth | September 13, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Friday's Velshi and Ruhle show, MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle fretted over Democratic presidential candidates not taking the U.S. Supreme Court seriously enough as an issue, and particularly the Court's influence on abortion rights, as she devoted a segment to the issue. Correspondent Shannon Pettypiece worried that moderates might side with Republicans…