Brad Wilmouth
bradwilmouth | October 1, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Tuesday afternoon's MSNBC Live, host Katy Tur surprisingly pressed Bernie Sanders's campaign manager from the right several times as she discussed economic policy with Faiz Shakir. As she brought up arguments that the candidate's plans to tax businesses and redistribute income would drive businesses to move to other countries, the MSNBC host either…
bradwilmouth | September 30, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog As previously documented by NewsBusters, a number of shows on the major networks late last week ran with reports of a racist bullying incident at Immanuel Christian School that, as of late this morning, was revealed to be a hoax. The family of 12-year-old Amari Allen admitted that their daughter made up her story accusing three white classmates of…
bradwilmouth | September 30, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog Late last week, after word came that the former ambassador to Iraq, Joe Wilson, had passed away, MSNBC repeated some of the misinformation that journalists and other liberals pushed during the George W. Bush era as anchors Joy Reid and Katy Tur lauded Wilson for disputing President Bush's claims that Saddam Hussein had tried to acquire uranium in Africa…
bradwilmouth | September 30, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Monday's New Day on CNN, host Alisyn Camerota gave Joe Biden campaign official Kate Bedingfield a sympathetic forum to react to the Donald Trump campaign's charges that Biden's son, Hunter, is linked to corruption in Ukraine, and even invited her to promote the Democratic presidential candidate's gun control plan. At 8:30 a.m. Eastern, the segment…
bradwilmouth | September 29, 2019
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog Between Friday morning and Saturday morning, several shows on CNN, CBS, and NBC took the time to highlight a bullying case in which three white boys allegedly held down a black classmate and forcibly cut her long hair after a history of taunting her. Even though it had nothing to do with the story, several shows made a point of noting that Vice…
bradwilmouth | September 29, 2019
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Friday's Amanpour and Company show on PBS, host Christiane Amanpour joined guest Ta-Nehisi Coates in linking the legacy of slavery in America to illegal immigrant children being held in cage-like detention centers as Coates promoted his book, The Water Dancer. Amanpour even commented that it was "hard" to hear her guest say the words "kids in cages…
bradwilmouth | September 28, 2019
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Friday's Real Time show, liberal comedian Bill Maher and his panel of mostly liberals promoted global warming alarmism with Commentary magazine's Noah Rothman as the only guest who argued against climate hysteria from a right-leaning point of view. Maher declared that climate change "deniers" who have children are "lousy parents" for not wanting to…
bradwilmouth | September 27, 2019
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog Appearing as guests on Thursday's CNN Tonight, former CBS anchor Dan Rather and former ABC anchor Sam Donaldson declared that President Donald Trump is "out-Nixoning Nixon" on the Ukraine issue, with Donaldson claiming that there is a "smoking transcript" and Rather suggesting that it is already time to "roll the credits on a mob movie" based on…
bradwilmouth | September 27, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog. On Friday's New Day show, as Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar appeared as a guest to discuss the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, CNN's Alisyn Camerota not only failed to ask any contrarian questions of her liberal guest, but she even tried to prod her into saying that she believes President Trump broke the law in asking the…