
Joe Schoffstall | July 20, 2010
A new Gallup poll released yesterday of President Barack Obama's 2010 half-year approval ratings shows he garners the most support in Washington, D.C…
Joe Schoffstall | July 19, 2010
Project Gulf Impact interviewed Dr. David Valentine, PhD., a methane expert, who explains what he gathered while on a research trip to the Gulf this…
Joe Schoffstall | July 19, 2010
This past Saturday during Glenn Beck's final "American Revival" stop in Salt Lake City, he told those in attendance that he might be going blind. "I…
Joe Schoffstall | July 19, 2010
Despite environmental organizations remaining oddly mum on the BP oil spill, one environmentalist took it upon himself to conduct a flyover of the…
Joe Schoffstall | July 16, 2010
Louis Farrakhan,the "National Representative of the Nation of Islam" as well as the same man who earlier this week sent a letter to Jews asking for…
Joe Schoffstall | July 16, 2010
Everyone is well aware of how the NAACP jumped out of the woodworks and is throwing charges of "racism" in the direction of the Tea Party, but the…
Joe Schoffstall | July 16, 2010
Moe Lane at Redstate came across this gem of Sheila Jackson Lee speaking about what she called "North" and "South" Vietnam. Problem is, as Lane…
Joe Schoffstall | July 15, 2010
Rep. Mike Pence took to the House floor and lambasted President Obama, charging “since the stimulus was enacted, more than 3 million jobs have…
Joe Schoffstall | July 14, 2010
UPDATE: The following was found not to be footage of the Gulf oil spill, but rather footage from the documentary "Petropolis." These videos just hit…
Joe Schoffstall | July 14, 2010
Arab TV station Al-Arabiya aired segments from a 40-minute video filmed in Pakistan of the failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad. Within the…
Stephen Gutowski | July 14, 2010
The Obama administration's new nominee for OMB director, Jacob Lew, had some interesting comments about financial regulation reform back in 2009.…
Joe Schoffstall | July 14, 2010
President Obama has nominated U.S Deputy Secretary of State Jacob Lew as the White House Budget Director after the departure of Joseph Orszag. In…
Joe Schoffstall | July 13, 2010
Keith Olbermann thought he hit one out of the park when he accused Fox News of "fabricating facts" about the New Black Panther voter intimidation…
Joe Schoffstall | July 13, 2010
President Obama has made effective reporting from the Gulf nearly impossible, which will now be considered a felony that carries a penalty of up to $…
Joe Schoffstall | July 12, 2010
What group said the following: They're "ready for war", showed praise towards Osama bin Laden as a reformer, advocated "killing white babies", and so…
Joe Schoffstall | July 12, 2010
Earlier today, a video hit the internet of Texas Democrat Rep. Ciro Rodriguez losing his temper with a constituent. Here's another home video of…
Joe Schoffstall | July 12, 2010
Democrat representatives really are getting quite testy anymore... Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, a Democrat from Texas, has been caught on video getting…
Joe Schoffstall | July 12, 2010
On Sunday, Jesse Jackson criticized Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert saying his remarks in the open letter he released to the people of…
Joe Schoffstall | July 9, 2010 has uncovered another rare video of the New Black Panthers Chairman Malik Shabazz  from a closed door meeting, this time the footage…
Joe Schoffstall | July 9, 2010
Another video has been released adding to the evidence against the New Black Panthers voter intimidation charges. In this one, the Chairman of the…