
Joe Schoffstall | July 28, 2010
After Federal Judge Susan Bolton granted an injunction that blocks what's being called the most 'controversial' part of Arizona's sweeping…
Stephen Gutowski | July 28, 2010
In case you need a refresher course on why liberals think Net Neutrality is a good idea or if you just want to laugh at Al Franken's inability to…
Joe Schoffstall | July 28, 2010
Just when you've seen it all, now he's making instructional videos... So here's President Obama taking some time in between rounds of golf to show…
Joe Schoffstall | July 28, 2010
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has released a new web ad titled "One and the Same", targeting the Tea Party for the midterm elections.…
Joe Schoffstall | July 27, 2010
During a recent Allen West town hall meeting, a retired Lt. Colonel who is running for Congress in Florida's 22nd district, a disenfranchised voter…
Stephen Gutowski | July 27, 2010
No, seriously, that's what Spencer Ackerman calls himself at FireDogLake and on twitter. He's a scary guy, you see. We all should tremble in fear…
Joe Schoffstall | July 26, 2010
Anita MonCrief, the ACORN whistle-blower who announced at the 2010 Right Online convention that she planned on filing FEC charges against Obama for…
Joe Schoffstall | July 25, 2010
Anita MonCrief, an ACORN whistle-blower, attended the 2010 Right Online conference in Las Vegas in which she announced that she will press FEC…
Joe Schoffstall | July 25, 2010
This guy is still around? Apparently some people still consider the former Obama "Green Jobs" Czar relevant--news to me.  Van Jones spoke at the…
Joe Schoffstall | July 23, 2010
Shirley Sherrod, who recently lost her job at the USDA after an excerpt from a speech to the NAACP surfaced showing her saying she didn't do…
Stephen Gutowski | July 22, 2010
I have literally listened to this video over and over again all day long and I can't not share it with you because the hilarity must be enjoyed by…
Joe Schoffstall | July 22, 2010
Verum Serum stumbled upon two rap songs made by none other than the National Chairman of the New Black Panthers Party, Malik Shabazz, reinforcing his…
Joe Schoffstall | July 22, 2010
Via Bob Parks at Black-And-Right: I just received the following email… FYI – CNN is working on a story that says some African American GOPers…
Joe Schoffstall | July 22, 2010
Gov. Bobby Jindal spoke at the Rally for Economic Survival in Lafayette, La. against the Obama Administration's job-killing offshore drilling…
Stephen Gutowski | July 22, 2010
Andrew Klavan is awesome. Don't believe me? Here is video evidence: I've been a big fan of Klavan for a while now. His wit is mind-blowingly…
Joe Schoffstall | July 22, 2010
As President Obama signed the financial regulation bill, the remnants of Missouri ACORN, reconstituted as MORE, assault a Chase Bank sales branch…
Joe Schoffstall | July 21, 2010
Big Government's Andrew Breitbart appeared on Good Morning America to debate Media Matters' Eric Boehlert over the release of a Shirley Sherrod video…
Stephen Gutowski | July 20, 2010
Alan Grayson (D-FL) is back and more asinine than ever. Watch the video to see for yourself but make sure you notice how many people are actually…
Joe Schoffstall | July 20, 2010
Dr. Fred Shessel of Docs4PatientCare, an organization of concerned physicians committed to the establishment of a health care system that preserves…
Joe Schoffstall | July 20, 2010
On July 13, Tea Partiers rallying outside of Angels Stadium in Anaheim, CA in support of Arizona’s immigration law, SB 1070, were met by a Latino…