
Stephen Gutowski | August 9, 2010
After my run in with some tea party crashers a while back I was left a bit disappointed. Frankly, they were idiots. Anybody who talked to them could…
Stephen Gutowski | August 6, 2010
You know, because of that time that Jesus chemically burned all those tiny children to death before ripping them limb from limb. But I'm sure Jesus…
Stephen Gutowski | August 5, 2010
Every once in a while Glenn Beck will get a clip from a famous nit wit and just absolutely tear it apart. It's a special talent of Beck and it couldn…
Joe Schoffstall | August 5, 2010
David Letterman, speaking to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on his show, asked about the Shirley Sherrod incident and took it upon himself to slam Andrew…
Joe Schoffstall | August 5, 2010
David Letterman took a jab at Bill O'Reilly while hosting MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on his show saying " I don't think you can be as smart as he is and…
Stephen Gutowski | August 4, 2010
It's not everyday that you come across an artful take down of the core principle involved in liberal economic theory but, thanks to Cubachi, today is…
Joe Schoffstall | August 4, 2010
Undercover testing, done using a hidden video camera by Government Accountability Office (GAO) employees, shows that for-profit colleges encouraged…
Joe Schoffstall | August 3, 2010
Rep. Mike Rogers, appearing on a radio show, said he would support the soldier involved in leaking classified documents on the war in Afghanistan…
Stephen Gutowski | August 3, 2010
Well it has been a little while since I've written about New Jersey's conservative governor Chis Christie. Thankfully State House Steps has given me…
Joe Schoffstall | August 3, 2010
In much better times, back when Democrats were going to save the world from the evil Bush regime, Nancy Pelosi uttered words that changed America…
Stephen Gutowski | August 2, 2010
The left has had a coordinated protest movement for decades now in the anti-war movement. However, the right has now begun their own protest movement…
Joe Schoffstall | August 2, 2010
On Sunday, Sarah Palin came out swinging on the Arizona immigration debate. She appeared on FOX News Sunday and spoke with Chris Wallace. The…
Joe Schoffstall | August 2, 2010
MSNBC's Ed Schultz declared just how pissed he is at Democrats by saying he plans on not voting in this years midterm elections- citing that…
Joe Schoffstall | July 30, 2010
Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) took to the House floor and threw a temper tantrum against Republicans equivalent to shutting off a video game on a four…
Stephen Gutowski | July 29, 2010
Since its founding in November of 2009 Liberty Central has proven to be one of the most tech savvy and refreshing conservative organizations out…
Joe Schoffstall | July 29, 2010
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) addressed the Communications Workers of America, reaffirming her commitment to passing EFCA: "Of course we are…
Joe Schoffstall | July 29, 2010
U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks on the House floor today defending…
Stephen Gutowski | July 29, 2010
Since the political debate lately has been completely race obsessed I figured it would be a nice refresher if we could try to get some perspective on…
Joe Schoffstall | July 29, 2010
Howard Dean, continuing to spew lies that Fox News was the reason Shirley Sherrod was fired from excessive coverage, went on MSNBC and claimed Chris…
Joe Schoffstall | July 29, 2010
A Daily Kos contributing editor has suggested that “Steve Milloy and his buddies” commit suicide or be euthanized apparently for the crime of…