
MarkF | August 16, 2012
On Morning Joe, Columbia prof Jeffrey Sachs criticizes the Obama administration for "shrinking" government too much.
Anonymous | August 16, 2012
It really is stunning, This is supposed to be a news report about major riots in France yet they give no information about the rioters, that they are…
MarkF | August 15, 2012
Appearing on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show today, retiring Dem congressman Barney Frank claims that Paul Ryan opposes people coming together to feed poor…
MattH | August 15, 2012
Vogue magazine's contributing editor Jonathan van Meter slobbered over Bill and Hillary Clinton as maybe "the world's greatest parents" for…
Ken Shepherd | August 15, 2012
Shortly before 11 a.m. this morning, 28-year-old Floyd Corkins opened fire on a security guard at the conservative Family Research Center,…
Kyle Drennen | August 15, 2012
Beginning an otherwise positive story on Wednesday's NBC Today about vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan's intense exercise regimen, P90X,…
kyoder | August 15, 2012
A suspect posing as an intern shot an employee this afternoon at the Family Research Council (FRC) in Chinatown, DC. The suspect is believed to be a…
kyoder | August 15, 2012
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski says Vice President Joe Biden did not mean his remarks yesterday that Romney's policies will "put y'all back in chains."…
kyoder | August 15, 2012
A suspect posing as an intern shot an employee this afternoon at the Family Research Council (FRC). The suspect is believed to be a 28-year-old man…
Matthew Balan | August 15, 2012
The 15 August 2012 edition of CBS This Morning did its best to spin Vice President Joe Biden's "he's going to put y'all back in chains" slam of Mitt…
Corwin Parks | August 15, 2012
MRCTV 1 Year Anniversary
MarkF | August 15, 2012
On her MSNBC show, while discussing the controversy over VP Joe Biden having said to a largely African-American audience that Mitt Romney wants to "…
MattH | August 15, 2012
CNN's Soledad O'Brien was already caught red-handed reading from liberal Talking Points Memo during a live interview, and her take on the Romney…
Stephen Gutowski | August 15, 2012
ABC 7 reports that the shooting at the Family Research Council's building left at least one employee shot. They also reported that the victim was…
Kyle Drennen | August 15, 2012
In an interview with Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie slammed Paul Ryan's…