
MattH | August 13, 2012
CNN's Gloria Borger let liberals get away with disgusting smears of Paul Ryan's budget proposals on Monday.
Joe Schoffstall | August 13, 2012
Vice President Joe Biden mocked Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's voice when talking about outsourcing, and followed with making the…
Jack Coleman | August 13, 2012
As broadcast on "The Rachel Maddow Show," MSNBC, Aug. 7, 2012
Brent Baker | August 13, 2012
In a special Saturday night edition of Hardball after Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as his VP, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews railed against the choice. He…
Kyle Drennen | August 13, 2012
On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer actually used the President's own past statements about Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan to…
Scott Whitlock | August 13, 2012
Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos on Monday kicked off the program by tagging Paul Ryan as "the former prom king that once drove the…
kyoder | August 13, 2012
President Obama congratulates Rep. Paul Ryan as Romney's VP pick. He says that Ryan, "the ideological leader of the Republicans in Congress," is a "…
kyoder | August 13, 2012
In an interview with CNN's Gloria Borger, Romney VP pick, Rep. Paul Ryan, reveals what he gave up for Lent this year: fear.(h/t YouTube)
Kyle Drennen | August 13, 2012
Hoping to define vice presidential pick Paul Ryan early with liberal talking points, on Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Peter Alexander painted the…
Rich Noyes | August 13, 2012
Even before he was officially announced by Mitt Romney, liberal reporters were helping the Obama campaign try to define Paul Ryan as a heartless…