
Scott Whitlock | November 7, 2012
On the same night he apologized for making a horribly inappropriate comment about Hurricane Sandy during election coverage, Chris Matthews on…
Scott Whitlock | November 7, 2012
 Now that the 2012 presidential election is over and Barack Obama has been safely reelected, the journalists at ABC's Good Morning America woke up to…
MattH | November 7, 2012
After CNN's Soledad O'Brien called Massachusetts Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren a "reformer, that's what she ran on," CNN's Ali Velshi chimed in "I…
MattH | November 7, 2012
CNN contributor John Avlon dumped on Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) when he quipped that "it was a bad night for wing-nuts last night, but Michele…
RRobertson25 | November 7, 2012
With President Obama's election win, the worldwide celebrations have commenced again. NBC's Today documented as much as they possibly could on…
Kyle Drennen | November 7, 2012
On Wednesday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd cited Florida as evidence of "this demographic time bomb went off and caught the Republicans…
MRCTVone | November 7, 2012
It's no secret that the liberal media have boosted Obama with bias by commission, going out of their way to treat him with gauzy coverage,…
Ian Hanchett | November 7, 2012
 NBC analyst Steve Schmidt argued that Rush Limbaugh should be "shut down" by the Republican Party. David Gregory used the occasion to advocate that…
Kyle Drennen | November 7, 2012
In a fawning report on Wednesday's NBC Today on President Obama winning re-election, correspondent Kristen Welker provided gauzy commentary: "...the…
Ian Hanchett | November 7, 2012
NBC anchors Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams gushed over President Obama's victory as a historic triumph of his "campaign of inclusion" over Romney's "…
mathew | November 7, 2012
Ian Hanchett | November 7, 2012
ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer delivered some rather odd coverage of last night's returns. Sawyer appeared to have a hard time keeping her balance,…
MRCTVone | November 7, 2012
Yes, he said "politically", but how many people lost their homes, still are without power in the cold, are eating from dumpsters, and have died so…
papagiorgio200 | November 6, 2012
"Oh my God. I'm back. I'm home. All the time, it was... We finally really did it... You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to…