
MRCTVone | November 8, 2012
Live & Local with Kevin Wall, KXNT Las Vegas, November 7, 2012
Ian Hanchett | November 8, 2012
LANGUAGE WARNING: Rebel Pundit's Anne Sorock caught up with Obama supporters who were happy about the end of Israel, and lauded Obama as the “angel…
MarkF | November 8, 2012
On Morning Joe, analyzing the 2012 elections, Joe Scarborough says Republicans should stop blaming the media.
MattH | November 7, 2012
During the 5 a.m. hour of Wedesday's Early Start, CNN's Soledad O'Brien lauded Democratic Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren as a "reformer, that's…
Scott Whitlock | November 7, 2012
On the same night he apologized for making a horribly inappropriate comment about Hurricane Sandy during election coverage, Chris Matthews on…
Scott Whitlock | November 7, 2012
 Now that the 2012 presidential election is over and Barack Obama has been safely reelected, the journalists at ABC's Good Morning America woke up to…
MattH | November 7, 2012
After CNN's Soledad O'Brien called Massachusetts Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren a "reformer, that's what she ran on," CNN's Ali Velshi chimed in "I…
MattH | November 7, 2012
CNN contributor John Avlon dumped on Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) when he quipped that "it was a bad night for wing-nuts last night, but Michele…
RRobertson25 | November 7, 2012
With President Obama's election win, the worldwide celebrations have commenced again. NBC's Today documented as much as they possibly could on…
Kyle Drennen | November 7, 2012
On Wednesday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd cited Florida as evidence of "this demographic time bomb went off and caught the Republicans…
MRCTVone | November 7, 2012
It's no secret that the liberal media have boosted Obama with bias by commission, going out of their way to treat him with gauzy coverage,…
Ian Hanchett | November 7, 2012
 NBC analyst Steve Schmidt argued that Rush Limbaugh should be "shut down" by the Republican Party. David Gregory used the occasion to advocate that…
Kyle Drennen | November 7, 2012
In a fawning report on Wednesday's NBC Today on President Obama winning re-election, correspondent Kristen Welker provided gauzy commentary: "...the…
Ian Hanchett | November 7, 2012
NBC anchors Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams gushed over President Obama's victory as a historic triumph of his "campaign of inclusion" over Romney's "…