
Nick Kangadis | August 1, 2018
“Heeeeey, Tommy Tommy! Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy Robinson!” Those were the chants being sung throughout the world after independent journalist and…
Nick Kangadis | July 19, 2018
If you ever needed more proof that the New York Times has a very explicit, far-Left agenda, look no further than the puff piece the New York Times…
Nick Kangadis | July 16, 2018
Besides her constant whining, crying and whipping up violence against anything or anyone associated with President Trump, what does Rep. Maxine…
Eric Scheiner | July 12, 2018
Protestors staged a “die-in” at a performing arts center in Virginia because they’re unhappy that Ted Nugent likes guns. The protest is because they…
Eric Scheiner | July 6, 2018
In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression we dive in to the labyrinth of liberal logic – that kicked off Monday on CNN with a very…
Nick Kangadis | June 8, 2018
Ugh, the NFL protest situation. It’s over. Get over it. There are so many platforms that NFL players have the “privilege” of using — other than the…
Nick Kangadis | June 6, 2018
Sports used to be an avenue which we could all travel down in order to escape the daily barrage of ignorance, indifference and ineptitude from…
Nick Kangadis | June 4, 2018
Another weekend, another round of protests for free speech activist and independent journalist Tommy Robinson. And this time, the protests weren’t…
Nick Kangadis | May 29, 2018
It’s as if those on the Left who call everything racist and support NFL players kneeling or sitting for the national anthem want segregation to come…
Eric Scheiner | May 24, 2018
“You have to stand proudly for the national anthem, or you shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there, maybe you shouldn’t be in the country,”…
Nick Kangadis | April 27, 2018
Maybe it’s not the most polite thing to call a politician a “bully” or a “thug,” but that’s exactly what New York City Councilman Justin Brannan…
Eric Scheiner | March 25, 2018
“If We Called Guns Gay, Would You Ban Them?” This non-thought provoking sign and more were spotted at Saturday’s so-called “March For Our Lives…