Wacky MOLE: Media Compares Border Separation To Killing Babies

Eric Scheiner | July 6, 2018

In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression we dive in to the labyrinth of liberal logic – that kicked off Monday on CNN with a very loaded liberal question comparing separation of illegal alien parents at the border from their children – to killing babies.

In their effort to promote baby killing NBC Nightly News gave coverage to an ad by pro-abortion group NARAL targeting Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins and demanding that she oppose any of President Trump’s pro-life Supreme Court nominees.

What NBC Nightly News decided not to cover, along with ABC World News Tonight was reports of three illegal aliens suspected for kidnapping and raping two teenage sisters. There was a nationwide manhunt going on Thursday night, but they were busy covering the protestor that climbed the Statue of Liberty and skateboarder Tony Hawk’s birthday.

One subject MSNBC didn’t skate around was the liberal media’s dislike of Trump administration officials. The network hosting a panel that called for the harassment of Trump officials as “a life sentence.”

Real nice.

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