
Nick Kangadis | November 16, 2018
Apparently, the “evil, racist” President Donald Trump isn’t the only one who has objections to the Central American migrant caravan headed to the U.S…
garvin oliver | November 12, 2018
JORGE RAMOS, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: There’s...there's an entire current within the United States that has emerged in opposition to Donald Trump but that…
Nick Kangadis | November 5, 2018
If she were ever to be given credit for anything other than consistenly being one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington, Rep. Maxine Waters (…
Ferlon Webster Jr. | October 22, 2018
Remember that crazy Antifa protester who verbally harassed a woman who claimed to be a 9/11 widow while she was waiting to cross the street last week…
bradwilmouth | September 29, 2018
For more, see the cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Ferlon Webster Jr. | September 24, 2018
Dressed in black, dozens of Yale Law School (YLS) students staged a sit-in on Monday to protest the nomination of Brett Kavanuagh, a YLS alumnus…
Nick Kangadis | September 6, 2018
If you own a sporting goods store, odds are that you stock a fair amount of Nike products on your shelves. With Nike’s recent ad campaign including…
Nick Kangadis | August 21, 2018
The levels of stupidity that domestic terrorist group Antifa puts out there would be funny if they weren’t so dangerous. Now, the "anti-fascist"…
bradwilmouth | August 20, 2018
For more, see the cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Eric Scheiner | August 20, 2018
(Update 8/20/18 2:12 pm reports link two of those arrested to counter protests of the "Liberty or Death" event.)   Three men were reportedly…
Nick Kangadis | August 13, 2018
Funny’s funny, and this is most definitely funny. Even if you’re the most “tolerant” of people, there’s no way you couldn’t put that aside and get at…
Nick Kangadis | August 6, 2018
It appears that Rep. Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) call to harass conservatives and Republicans while they are trying to live their lives hasn’t fallen…