
Charles Ryder | April 16, 2009
Some type morons state a "counter protest" at the DC Tea Party. What a bunch of putzes.
khanna | April 16, 2009
Today co-host Bryant Gumbel asserted that the "attitudes" of some conservative radio hosts, like Limbaugh, "may embolden and encourage some…
khanna | April 16, 2009
CBS Sunday Morning contributor Nancy Giles slammed Rush Limbaugh on October 5, 2003 and then compares him to Hitler.
khanna | April 16, 2009
ABC’s Charles Gibson repeatedly asks the question, "Is Rush Limbaugh getting off too easy?" on Good Morning America, May 1, 2006.
admin | April 16, 2009
In an exclusive interview with, former President Bill Clinton said that many of Haiti's economic and social problems can be solved…
CCAV | April 16, 2009
Students take a stand against Obama's appearance at Purdue University. (Hosted by Conservative Coalition for American Values)
khanna | April 16, 2009
Maddow Overlooks Inconvenient Element of Gitmo Detainee Calling Al Jazeera on her April 14, 2009 show on MSNBC
Ken Shepherd | April 16, 2009
Brent Bozell on the April 16 "America's Newsroom" on Fox News Channel. He denounces CNN's Susan Roesgen for her sparring with a conservative…
JHanlon | April 16, 2009
Ken Shepherd | April 16, 2009
While CNN's Susan Roesgen was disgusted that a protester at the April 15, 2009 Chicago Tea Party called President Obama a fascist and compared him to…
JuliaSeymour | April 16, 2009
On April 16, 2009, Seton Motley appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss biased media coverage of the tax day tea party protests of the day before.
khanna | April 16, 2009
A message from Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher, showing his support of the Media Research Center.
Jpoor | April 16, 2009
‘Countdown’ host, in segment that still laments the Bush presidency, blasts tax havens for billionaires, despite sister network CNBC cheerleading tax…
Colleen | April 15, 2009
Jamie Foxx apologizes on Leno about Miley Cyrus comments he made on his weekend radio show. He told her to "catch Chlamydia."
admin | April 15, 2009
Harry Alford, president of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, said that some of Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-Mass.) health insurance plans "just don't…
Jpoor | April 15, 2009
Editor forced to defend derision of protestors on St. Louis radio.
Jpoor | April 15, 2009
CNN reporter openly contemptuous of tea parties
JuliaSeymour | April 15, 2009
According to Griff Jenkins of FNC, the scheduled taxpayer tea party at the Treasury Department was prevented by Secret Service. April 15, 2009
Ken Shepherd | April 15, 2009
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper followed his colleague David Shuster into the gutter on his Anderson Cooper 360 program on Tuesday in making a vulgar “tea…
Ken Shepherd | April 15, 2009
On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith highlighted a recent report by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center claiming a recent surge in…