Winner of ‘Damn Every Conservative We Can Think of to Hell Award’ at 2002 MRC DisHonors Awards

Brent Baker | January 17, 2002
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A compilation of Bryant Gumbel questions:

“Can you deny that he distorted Mr. White’s record and basically engaged in what some would kindly call character assassination?”
– CBS’s Bryant Gumbel to John Ashcroft adviser Charles Polk, on Missouri judge Ronnie White whom Ashcroft had opposed for appointment to a federal court, January 16, 2001 Early Show.

“If he’s [Ashcroft] so much of an extremist liability, as you claim, what’s his nomination say about George W. Bush and his claims of compassionate conservatism?”
– Gumbel to Wade Henderson of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, January 16 Early Show.

“What do you think Senator Ashcroft’s distortion of your record and tarnishing of your good name says about his character?”
– Gumbel to Missouri Supreme Court judge Ronnie White, January 19 Early Show.