mathew | October 31, 2008
Topics in today's show: Barack Obama confirmed as one-time member of socialist party, Nancy Pelosi says tax rebates not likely, North Korea bans cellphones, Oprah Winfrey an ambassador?
mathew | October 28, 2008
Topics in today's show: the latest studies on media bias in the presidential race; the video the Los Angeles Times won't let you watch; pedophiles, candy and Halloween; and reports of spying on Guy Ritchie.
mathew | October 24, 2008
Topics in today's show: Barack Obama's campaign responds to Joe The Plumber; Fidel Castro endorses Obama; Washington state accidentally sends ballots to felons; and Warner Bros. blocks "Hanoi Hilton" to avoid helping McCain.
mathew | October 21, 2008
Topics in today's show: "Joe The Plumbe" and the media's urge to attack him; John McCain and Barack Obama exchange barbs at fancy dinner; Obama campaign buys ads in videogames.
mathew | October 17, 2008
Topics in today's show: Oil go below $80 a barrel, American CEOs say Barack Obama dangerous for the economy, John McCain advisers worried about "grumpy" perception, 4,000 dead people discovered on voter rolls in Houston.
mathew | October 14, 2008
Topics in today's show: Palin investigated, Obama and McCain face off one last time, Dems buy 30-minute TV spot for campaign ad, ACORN gets raided
mathew | October 10, 2008
Topics in today's show: Democrats tell voters McCain may die in office, a radio reporter gets fired for wearing Obama t-shirt to cover a rally. Kim Jong Il finally makes public appearance, and Kathy Griffin's lawsuit.
mathew | October 7, 2008
Topics in today's show: Early voting; Chris Matthews' attack on Sarah Palin as a "dolt"; Al Gore's appeal for civil disobedience against coal-plant construction; and Nicole Kidman, most overpaid celebrity.
mathew | October 3, 2008
Topics in today's show (taped before the Oct. 2 vice-presidential debate): Pressure to pass a financial bailout; 11-year-old suspended for wearing anti-Obama t-shirt; and layoffs at the Playboy mansion
mathew | September 30, 2008
Topics in today's show: Barack Obama does well in online polls; one-third of Democrats have negative perceptions of black Americans; FDA approves patches to prevent nausea; David Letterman is angry at John McCain.