mathew | December 11, 2008
Topics in today's episode: David Gregory takes over Meet the Press, Chris Matthews mocks Joe the Plumber, Twilight movie a big hit, Joey Fatone dedicates a public toilet
mathew | December 9, 2008
Topics in today's show: Big Three beg for bailout, OJ's conviction, a virus on Facebook, and Carlos Mencia on Barack Obama.
mathew | December 5, 2008
Topics in today's show: Barack Obama's intern choice -- Monica Lewinsky; Peru sends the Obama family its national dog; a new species of penguin; and Michael Jackson converts to Islam.
mathew | December 2, 2008
In this week's show: the U.N. reaction to terrorist attacks in India; the "office of the president-elect"; holiday shopping at Wal-Mart; and Jessica Alba as a math genius.
mathew | November 21, 2008
Topics in today's show: cash bonuses for Barack Obama's former campaign staff; NBC profiting from election results; Discovery's digital re-enactment of the JFK assassination; and free Viagra for Mexico City residents.
mathew | November 17, 2008
Topics in today's show: Barack Obama as FDR? Bill Ayers finally gets grilled; Oprah Winfrey and George Stephanopolous get excited; and more New York Times secret trading.
mathew | November 14, 2008
This week's topics: steady voter turnout; Russia's plans to deploy missiles near Poland; Simon Cowell swears off women; and "CSI: Miami's" David Caruso gets stalked.
mathew | November 10, 2008
The stock market drops big right after Barack Obama wins election. Italian prime minister accidentally says Obama has "suntan." White House pet Barney Bush bites a reporter!
mathew | November 5, 2008
Topics in today's show: America's first black president; the tough economy facing Barack Obama; Obama as a Reaganesque figure; and Joe (The Plumber) Wurzelbacher's disappointment in Obama's victory.
mathew | November 4, 2008
Topics in today's special show: It's Election Day so be sure to vote. OH judge allows homeless people to use park benches as their addresses. If Obama wins, will he be vetted properly? SNL makes fun of Keith Olbermann.