MRC Latino | November 4, 2016
JORGE RAMOS, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Today we're learning more about how and when the FBI decided to insert itself, at the last minute, into the contest for the White House.
MRC Latino | November 3, 2016
ASAMA JAMA, SOMALIAN IMMIGRANT: If Donald Trump is President, I think we should all pack our bags and go. ‘Cause they will kill us.
MRC Latino | November 3, 2016
ZACH FISHER, PARTIDARIO DE TRUMP: ¡Largo de aquí! ¡Váyanse de aquí! ¡Este no es tu país, no es tu país! ¡Soy un americano, muy orgulloso, hecho en los Estados Unidos! JORGE RAMOS, PRESENTADOR, UNIVISION/FUSION: Realmente ya no importa si [Trump] llega o no a ser presidente, porque lo que ha hecho ya ha sido una experiencia tan traumática para este país. Yo pienso que nos van a juzgar por la…
MRC Latino | November 3, 2016
ZACH FISHER, TRUMP SUPPORTER: Get the f*** out of here! … I’m a proud f***ing American, made in the USA! JORGE RAMOS, ANCHOR, UNIVISION/FUSION: It really doesn’t matter if he [Trump] becomes President or not because what he has done has been such a traumatic experience for this country already. The damage has been done already. I think we're gonna be judged by how we reacted to Donald Trump.
MRC Latino | November 3, 2016
ASAMA JAMA, INMIGRANTE SOMALÍ: Si Donald Trump es presidente, creo que debemos de hacer maletas e irnos, porque nos van a matar.
MRC Latino | November 3, 2016
JORGE RAMOS, PRESENTADOR, UNIVISION/FUSION: En cada país hay odio, pero de repente estamos permitiendo que el odio, la intolerancia, y el racismo y la discriminación sea lo normal. Entonces la nueva norma es el odio. Puedes atacar a otra persona simplemente por el color de su piel, o por su raza, o simplemente porque no te gusta y es extranjero.
MRC Latino | November 3, 2016
JORGE RAMOS, ANCHOR, UNIVISION/FUSION: In every country, there’s hate. But suddenly we are allowing hate, and bigotry, and racism, and discrimination to be the norm. So, the new normal is hate. You can attack another person simply because of the color of their skin, or because of his race, or simply because you don’t like him and he’s a foreigner.
MRC Latino | November 2, 2016
MARIA ELENA SALINAS, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Today is the first day to get enrolled in the secon - I mean, in the Obamacare health insurance. This is the fourth time since the program began, and it (the enrollment period) will be extended until January 31st of next year. Some users will encounter increased prices in their premiums, and many will have to change insurance companies- even primary care…
MRC Latino | November 1, 2016
MARIA ELENA SALINAS, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Today is the first day to get enrolled in the second, I mean in the Obamacare health insurance. This is the fourth time since the program began, and it will be extended until January 31 of next year. Some users will encounter increased prices in their premiums, and many will have to change insurance companies, even primary care physicians. Jaime García…
MRC Latino | November 1, 2016
RAÚL DE MOLINA, HOST, UNIVISION: If she [Clinton] wins the Presidency, what will you [Clinton] do for the Latino community? HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I hope that I will be a good President for everyone in the United States, but I want to pay particular attention to the Latino community to get comprehensive immigration reform finally done with a path to citizenship……