Kristine Marsh | July 15, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here MSNBC correspondent Jacob Soboroff was given another opportunity Wednesday to promote his book bashing the Trump administration's border policy called Separated: Inside an American Tragedy, this time on ABC’s The View.
Kristine Marsh | July 15, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here In the media’s determination to vilify Florida as the new coronavirus epicenter, they are ignoring an alarming report put out by a Fox Orlando affiliate which suggested the state’s Department of Health published inflated, erroneous positive infection data.
Kristine Marsh | July 14, 2020
Read more at NewsBusters here The media continues to tread lightly around Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, carefully avoiding putting any blame on the Democrat for her city’s soaring gun violence. Tuesday afternoon Lightfoot appeared on Andrea Mitchell Reports, where she was not only given a pass, but encouraged to pin the blame on President Trump instead. 
Kristine Marsh | July 14, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here For the second day in a row, The View has gone after Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson, aiding the left-wing effort to get him taken off the air. Only host Meghan McCain blasted the “cancel culture,” anti-free speech power trip the left is currently engaging in. But her co-hosts vehemently disagreed with her, proudly calling their intolerance for conservatives…
Kristine Marsh | July 14, 2020
Read more at NewsBusters here The media is engaging in some real revisionist history now that New York is no longer the country’s epicenter of COVID-19. Despite Governor Andrew Cuomo’s disastrous decision to shuffle infected patients into nursing homes, the Democrat has friends in the media who will spin his bungling decisions as “amazing leadership.” Cuomo received his usual adulation from …
Kristine Marsh | July 13, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here Amidst the cancel culture fervor, the media has renewed their efforts to force high-rating Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson off the air, using his critical segment calling out Democrats and potential Biden VP pick Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) for "hating America" last week, as their excuse. When the hosts of The View returned Monday, they also attacked Carlson…
Kristine Marsh | July 10, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here Positive stories are too far and few between lately in the mainstream media, particularly on the topic of race relations. But if you tuned in to CBS Evening News Friday night, you would’ve been blessed to hear about the kind of story that likely happens often but is still an important reminder of our shared humanity. 
Kristine Marsh | July 9, 2020
Read more at NewsBusters here ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos grew increasingly hostile on Thursday’s Good Morning America after he failed to get CDC director Robert Redfield to bash President Trump for insisting we need to reopen schools in the Fall while the country is still dealing with the coronavirus.