Kristine Marsh | July 23, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here After having a meltdown on live television on election night, Late Show host Stephen Colbert revealed Wednesday that he might still need therapy to recover from the shock he experienced four years ago. Psychologist Mary Trump should’ve been charging Colbert, as the late-night host spent 38 minutes (with breaks) trashing the president and whining about how he's …
Kristine Marsh | July 22, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here Late Show host Stephen Colbert had media darling, and radical climate crusader Greta Thunberg on his show Tuesday night to discuss her latest accolades and activism. While there, Colbert urged the Swedish teen to mock President Trump and lamented with her that world leaders would not go to “extraordinary measures” like nationwide lockdowns, for climate change.
Kristine Marsh | July 21, 2020
Read more at NewsBusters here The hosts of The View went into meltdown mode on Tuesday’s show after a video surfaced of federal agents detaining violent Antifa anarchists in Portland, Oregon, last weekend. The show hosts took a deep dive into conspiracy theory land, ranting this was a “planned attack against Americans," the "end of Democracy" and comparing it to the Kent State massacre. 
Kristine Marsh | July 21, 2020
ABC’s hidden camera show What Would You Do? has tried, and failed to make its point that Americans are a bunch of intolerant bigots, for twelve years now. Yet with a new season out this Summer, the network is shamelessly hyping its cultural value on their daytime shows. On Tuesday, it was The View hosts turn to sugarcoat the “pop culture phenomenon” that pits Americans against each other, for…
Kristine Marsh | July 21, 2020
Another media interview with a Democrat turned into a Biden puff piece on Monday night. Former UN ambassador and Obama National Security Advisor, Susan Rice gave her best performance auditioning to be Biden’s Vice President pick, thanks to help from Daily Show host Trevor Noah. After hyping her chances to be on the Democrat ticket, Noah ended the interview agreeing with his guest that we needed…
Kristine Marsh | July 17, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here On ABC’s The View today, ABC’s Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl actually had the audacity to complain that the Trump administration had made White House press briefings too political under press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. Naturally he didn’t put any fault on White House reporters constantly asking hyper partisan, loaded questions that sounded like…
Kristine Marsh | July 17, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here Comedian D.L. Hughley stopped by The View briefly Friday to promote his book, “Surrender, White People!: Our Unconditional Terms for Peace,” and with a title like that, you can guess where the interview would be headed. But while Hughley had harsh words for whites, he, like many in the media, went soft went it came to actor and TV host Nick Cannon, after he made…
Kristine Marsh | July 16, 2020
read more at NewsBusters here MSNBC guest host and political analyst Tiffany Cross appeared on The View Thursday to promote her new book about black voters in the upcoming election, but she also brought her disdain for Trump voters over as well. Cross told the hosts that Trump was feeding "BS" his racist Ku Klux Klan base, when he told a reporter that more white people die at the hands of police.