Kristine Marsh | October 24, 2016
Ultra-left wing filmmaker Michael Moore appeared on ABC’s The View Monday, where he promoted his new film, Michael Moore in TrumpLand.  But, as the hosts pointed out, the film really was more about Hillary Clinton then it was about Donald Trump. Moore expressed shock that any reasonable person could not vote for Clinton, gushing that she was not just a great leader but also a great Christian. The…
Kristine Marsh | October 21, 2016
In a mind blowing segment Friday morning on ABC's Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos, Jon Karl and Michael Strahan actually tried to rewrite the historic 2000 election and hoped no one would remember how events actually occurred. Using the opportunity to bash Trump’s comments on conceding the election, the panel laughably contrasted Trump’s behavior with the “incredibly gracious” and “…
Kristine Marsh | October 21, 2016
On Friday’s Good Morning America, anchor Michael Strahan sat down with fourth graders from an elite private school in New York City “with big voices” who “deserve to be heard,” Strahan said. If there was any indication where this interview was going to go ahead of time, the kids were selected from an elite, cultural school in the heart of New York City whose tuition costs nearly $50,000 dollars a…
Kristine Marsh | October 20, 2016
For the second time this week, a liberal member of the media was caught feeding beneficial information to Hillary Clinton before a debate or story was put out to the public. Earlier this week, Politico reporter Glenn Thrush was caught getting Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s approval on an article he was writing about the Clinton campaign, before he published it. Now, it’s former NBC…
Kristine Marsh | October 20, 2016
During Thursday morning’s debate analysis on ABC, Cokie Roberts explained that the media just doesn’t have time to spend on Clinton’s scandals because they’re too busy covering Trump’s. The longtime political analyst for ABC and NPR admitted that the media “would have otherwise” been talking about Clinton, except that those stories “kept being pushed out of the top of the news” by Trump’s sexual…
Kristine Marsh | October 19, 2016
This morning on MSNBC Live, anchor Stephanie Ruhle interviewed Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and the interview quickly turned condescending. While defending Trump against the allegations and trying to pivot back to talk on WikiLeaks, Ruhle lectured Conway that she was setting a bad example for her children by defending Trump. “You’ve got to look at your kids when you go home at night,”…
Kristine Marsh | October 12, 2016
On Wednesday’s The View two of the most liberal hosts, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar, came up with their own completely original and unheard of reason as for why Donald Trump had so many supporters: Because a lot of Americans are racist. Whoopi made the point, to which Behar agreed, before making the claim that Trump supporters hated Hillary Clinton simply because she was a woman, as well.…
Kristine Marsh | October 12, 2016
Wednesday’s Good Morning America was all in for Hillary Clinton, from the complete absence of any story on the Wikileaks e-mails on the Clintons, to a hostile interview with George Stephanopoulos and Kellyanne Conway. ABC didn’t even try to hide how pro-Clinton the news network is. It began with the Stephanopoulos interview with Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, where the former Clinton…
Kristine Marsh | October 11, 2016
Tuesday morning’s CNN New Day ended the first hour of the show criticizing Donald Trump for attacking the media, which isn’t unusual but then the conversation quickly turned into what some may call an overreaction. CNN began by playing a clip of a Donald Trump rally yesterday where the crowd began chanting, “CNN sucks” repeatedly. The CNN panel didn’t like that one bit and blamed Trump for not…