Rich Noyes | December 1, 2010
During MSNBC's election night coverage November 2, co-anchor Chris Matthews tried to shake Congresswoman Michele Bachmann from her triumphant talking points: "Are you hypnotized? Has someone hypnotized you tonight?" She shot back: "I imagine that thrill is probably maybe not quite so tingly on your leg anymore."
Rich Noyes | December 1, 2010
In an August 29 interview, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams seemed enchanted by President Obama, blurting out a series of fawning questions: "What do you think about? What do you see? What do you read about? How are you thinking about your job these days?"
Rich Noyes | November 30, 2010
For the February 17 CBS Evening News, White House reporter Chip Reid used a pro-Obama anecdote to cast the massive stimulus package as useful, and rued how while "many independent economists put the number of jobs saved or created at about 1.8 million... most Americans simply refuse to believe it."
Rich Noyes | November 30, 2010
On ABC's The View (October 26) co-host Joy Behar railed against Nevada's Tea Party Senate candidate Sharron Angle for an ad against illegal immigration, calling Angle a "bitch" who is "going to Hell."
Rich Noyes | November 30, 2010
Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe October 18, CBS's Lesley Stahl fretted that the lack of appreciation for President Obama's economic policies was like "a doctor who has this horrible burn victim come into the hospital, and he saves the guy's life" only to be blamed when "the guy wakes up and he's got scars all over his face, and that's all he sees."
Rich Noyes | November 30, 2010
Appearing on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams chose to mock and ridicule the Tea Party. Williams suggested Tea Party protesters are ignorant, claiming he sees "a lot of signs" saying "Federal Government Out of My Social Security," and "Federal Government Out of My Medicare and Medicaid."
Rich Noyes | November 30, 2010
PBS's Tavis Smiley lectured author Ayaan Hirsi Ali that radical Muslims are not uniquely predisposed to violence. "Christians do that every single day in this country," Smiley asserted. "Do they blow up people every day," a dumbfounded Ali asked. "Yes," Smiley answered. "Every day."
Rich Noyes | October 29, 2010
In a 21-minute "Special Comment" on his MSNBC Countdown program, Keith Olbermann frothed that Tea Party Republicans are "a group of unqualified, unstable individuals" would would take America "backward to Jim Crow, or backward to the breadlines of the '30s, or backward to hanging union organizers." Olbermann darkly warned: "You do not think your freedom is at stake next Tuesday?"
Rich Noyes | October 15, 2010
Wrapping up an October 12 news brief about Russia unveiling new inflatable weapons designed to fool satellites, NBC's Ann Curry yearned: "Wish all weapons were like that."
Rich Noyes | October 5, 2010
CNN Newsroom anchor Don Lemon repeatedly asked pornographer Larry Flynt to offer uncorroborated "tips" and "hints" about any politicians who might be involved in sex scandals. Showing better journalistic ethics than CNN, Flynt refused to name names.