kyoder | March 1, 2012
CNN focuses on his legacy - and how he has 'scarred' others...(h/t
kyoder | February 29, 2012
Media Research Center (MRC) constructed a billboard in the middle of New York City's Times Square for the "Tell the Truth!" 2012 campaign. Surrounded by flashy fashion ads and glittering Broadway billboards, MRC's "Don't Believe the Liberal Media!" sign stood out as something different.MRCTV traveled to New York City for the day to discover the impact on passers-by. The people on the street…
kyoder | February 29, 2012
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney talks about gas prices in a White House press briefing yesterday.Carney states that Speaker Boehner's comments on gas have been 'categorically false,' while President Obama has been 'honest with the American people.'(h/t whitehouse)
kyoder | February 29, 2012
Language Warning -- New York police made random arrests of protesters last night at Zucotti Park. The confrontations were captured on camera.(h/t Gothamist)
kyoder | February 29, 2012
Leap Year explained - in the best possible way.(h/t CGPGrey)
kyoder | February 29, 2012
Oprah gets physical during a Jimmy Kimmel post-Oscar show skit. See her "Book Club Fight Club" here.(h/t enews)
kyoder | February 29, 2012
The Stache Act, or Stimulus To Allow Critical Hair Expenses, calls for a $250 annual tax refund.Northeastern State University Professor John Yeutter proclaims, "It costs a little bit for us to have our mustache waxed -- to keep things from blowing in the wind." He explains, "it's only right and fitting that we should have a small tax deduction."Aaron Perlut, Chairman of The American Mustache…
kyoder | February 27, 2012
“Runaway Slave”, a political documentary that grapples with the freedom of the black community, premiered last Wednesday at the E Street Cinema in downtown D.C.President Matt Kibbe of FreedomWorks, the documentary sponsor, inspired high expectations within the audience, announcing, "If you make it through this movie without crying, there's something wrong."Reverend C. L. Bryant, who stars in the…
kyoder | February 24, 2012
The Supreme Court will hear a case on the consideration of race in college applications.Chapman University students offer their opinions here.(h/t amandalydiastarr)
kyoder | February 24, 2012
Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning and reporters offer the states' reasoning and arguments against President Obama's contraception mandate.(h/t FoxNation)