
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | May 6, 2019
Donny Deutsch began a new MSNBC program called Saturday Night Politics, and he interviewed Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg and gushed all over him for his "core excellence of humanity" as the "polar opposite" to President Trump. He demanded Buttigieg denounce the president as an "evil man." 
Tim Graham | May 1, 2019
Alec Baldwin appeared on the PBS show Amanpour & Co. on Monday, and lamented that Trump hasn't been changed by the presidency. "After he won, which was horrifying to me, because if you're a New Yorker, you're on to Trump. He's not the host of The Apprentice who's fooled over all these fly-over Americans that he's this crack businessman. We kind of know he's something else. But even so when he…
Tim Graham | April 30, 2019
Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler did a series of promotional interviews on CNN and MSNBC as he plugged his new number -- over 10,000 "false or misleading claims" by President Trump. On Monday's New Day, anchor John Berman underlined the notion that Trump's really lying on the Russian "no collusion, no obstruction" thing. 
Tim Graham | April 29, 2019
Actor Robert DeNiro was apparently the cherry on the sourpuss sundae that is Samantha Bee's Not The White House Correspondents Dinner, taped on Friday and then aired on Saturday night on TBS. DeNiro made a joke about dropping out of high school at 16, and according to The Hollywood Reporter, "He struggled to read from the teleprompter, saying at one point, 'Bring that down, I'm sorry.'"
Tim Graham | April 24, 2019
On Wednesday's Inside Politics, CNN host John King attacked Rush Limbaugh for his criticism of Hillary Clinton on the Fox News Channel. He couldn't imagine who anyone would think Hillary was behind pushing the theory that Russian collusion caused her to be defeated. 
Tim Graham | April 23, 2019
Two Catholic churches were bombed in Sri Lanka on Easter, leading to hundreds of deaths. But Comedy Central host Trevor Noah thinks this a great time to mock the Catholic Church for making huge sex-abuse settlements...years ago.
Tim Graham | April 15, 2019
While NBC's Chuck Todd questioned or interrupted Kellyanne Conway 56 times in a 15-minute interview, later in the show, Todd conducted a very polite eight-minute interview with Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington. In that case, Todd questioned Inslee just 12 times in eight minutes.
Tim Graham | April 15, 2019
There's something about interviewing Kellyanne Conway that makes the "objective" anchors a little crazy. Taking a look at the official Meet the Press transcript yesterday suggests that Todd asked Conway a question -- or more likely, interjected/interrupted -- 56 times in a 15-minute interview. It often sounded more like a debate with a highly agitated Democrat than a "news" interview.
Tim Graham | April 15, 2019
On Sunday, CNN State of the Union host Jake Tapper offered some tough questioning of Democrat presidential candidate Eric Swalwell and his proposal to ban "assault weapons" and "criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it." Liberals freaked out last week at a Texas legislative proposal to jail women for having an abortion. Isn't killing an unborn baby a little more serious than keeping a gun…
Tim Graham | April 11, 2019
After her low-rated CNN Town Hall event, CNN's fact-checkers dinged Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for falsely claiming the NRA was "largely funded" by gun manufacturers.