mhadro | August 27, 2010
NBC's "Today" show previewed Saturday's Glenn Beck rally that will be on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The network's correspondent hinted that there may be signs with "racial overtones," as there were last year at the Tea Party rally.
mhadro | August 26, 2010
Joe Scarborough, co-host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," discussed news coverage Thursday of President Obama's "We're buying shrimp" response to reporters who asked about the Iraq War. Scarborough argued that "certain networks" would have trashed President Bush if he had made the same response, and yet have not criticized President Obama over his remarks.
mhadro | August 25, 2010
Mika Brzezinski, the co-host for "Morning Joe," has made her views on the Ground Zero mosque quite clear. But when the vice president of America's 911 Foundation opined that the mosque's presence would be quite ominous for 9/11 families whom he has spoken with, Brzezinski went beyond stating her own opinions and sternly admonished him.
mhadro | August 25, 2010
Mika Brzezinski, the co-host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," advocated for President Obama's involvement in the Ground Zero mosque debate. After all, if he ran a successful "Beer Summit," then why wouldn't he be able to help create a compromise between sides?
mhadro | August 24, 2010
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell believes the onus is on Americans, not the Imam for the proposed Ground Zero mosque, to reach out and establish ties between minority communities and the majority of the rest of the country.
mhadro | August 24, 2010
On the network's Monday 3 p.m. news hour, anchor Chris Jansing hosted a segment comparing Reagan's presidency with Obama's during their respective first midterm elections. The theme of the segment was that if the economy rebounds soon as it did in 1982 for President Reagan under similar circumstances, the re-election of President Obama will almost certainly follow.
mhadro | August 23, 2010
Time magazine's senior political analyst Mark Halperin sounded quite elitist and condescending on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Monday. Halperin said he "respects and honors" the emotions of the families of 9/11 victims, but that "somebody needs to lead them through a discussion" over the proposed Ground Zero mosque.
mhadro | August 18, 2010
Columnist and regular guest on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Mike Barnicle had a few words for Americans opposing the proposed Ground Zero mosque. Barnicle cast such Americans as those having the "realistic" view of the situation, but lacking the "idealistic" view of those championing the religious freedom of Muslims to build the mosque.
mhadro | August 17, 2010
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell argued on her Monday news hour that the area around Ground Zero might be "less-than-hollowed," because of the presence of strip joints and tattoo parlors. The presence of a mosque there then wouldn't be such a big deal, Mitchell seemed to argue, since Manhattan is littered with disreputable joints already.
mhadro | August 13, 2010
Using her forum as anchor of MSNBC's noon news hour, Contessa Brewer featured multiple proponents for gay marriage without fundamentally questioning their arguments -- but failed to do the same for opponents of gay marriage, snidely dismissing their opinions. For two days in a row, Brewer covered the same-sex marriage debate in such a one-sided manner.