Kyle Drennen
NewsBusters Associate Editor

Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Associate Editor of NewsBusters and previously served as the MRC's Senior News Analyst.

His media analysis has been cited by nationally syndicated radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as media outlets including Fox News, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal’s, The Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Politico, National Review, among others.  

Kyle joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science. Prior to that, he interned at the MRC in the summer of 2005. He lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted via email at

Kyle Drennen | February 9, 2012
Following a revealing interview with former JFK mistress Mimi Alford on Wednesday's NBC Rock Center, left-wing MSNBC host Chris Matthews, along with liberal historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and Richard Reeves, were invited on the broadcast to give a sycophantic defense of the womanizing president.
Kyle Drennen | February 8, 2012
On the February 8 episode of MSNBCs Martin Bashir program, the host along with liberal Democrat Rep. Peter Walsh (Vt.) used the contraception mandate controversy to advocate the elusive liberal Democratic dream of a Canada-style government-run health care monopoly.
Kyle Drennen | February 8, 2012
Hocking his new novel on Wednesday's NBC Today, author Josh Bazell launched into a rant against the GOP and Rick Santorum specifically: "If I were to create a character who, say, had been the senator from Pennsylvania...get up at a debate and say that global warming was a hoax and that we had to change the Constitution to limit the rights of gay people. No one would believe that."
Kyle Drennen | February 7, 2012
After finally deciding to actually cover the controversy swirling around the Obama administration's attempt to force Catholic institutions to pay for birth control in health insurance plans, NBC's Today on Tuesday brought on leftist MSNBC host Rachel Maddow to dismiss all legitimate opposition to the move as a "pretty far-right perspective" and "an extension of anti-abortion politics."
Kyle Drennen | February 6, 2012
Once again touting the latest cover of New Yorker magazine, NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer lobbed this softball to President Obama in a pre-Super Bowl interview: " watching the big game on TV...on screen it's not the Patriots and the Giants. It's Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, same team, and they are pummeling each other. And look at the smile on your face there. Is art imitating life here?"
Kyle Drennen | February 1, 2012
Discussing the recall of two Pfizer brands of birth control pills on the February 1 NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry pressed Dr. Keri Peterson on an "option" for women who "may be now vulnerable to being pregnant." Peterson offered this tip: "There are options....You're going to want to use condoms immediately...there are also over-the-counter termination kits available that you can take right away."
Kyle Drennen | January 27, 2012
By daring to stand up for herself in recent exchange with President Obama, the media quickly labeled Arizona Governor Jan Brewer a villain. On the January 26 NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams was aghast: "Who have you ever seen talking to the president like this?....The governor of Arizona with her finger in the face of the President of the United States. You don't see that often or maybe…
Kyle Drennen | January 25, 2012
Moments after President Obama concluded his State of the Union address on January 24, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams could barely contain his glee over the speech: " A rousing recitation, a reminder of why the nation is great from President Obama."
Kyle Drennen | January 20, 2012
Having apparently run out of actual news to cover on January 20, the cast of NBC's Today gushed over President Obama singing a line from an Al Greene song during a fundraiser at the Apollo Theater. After a clip played of musical moment, weatherman Al Roker proclaimed: "He could be on The Voice." News anchor Natalie Morales excitedly added: "Sign him up."
Kyle Drennen | January 19, 2012
Using the same predictable liberal smear of shouting racism at conservatives who criticize President Obama, on the January 19 NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry ranted: "'ve been increasingly stepping up your characterization of President Obama as a 'food stamp president,' interestingly, in the lead-up now to South Carolina....Are you intentionally playing the race card to win votes?"