Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | November 12, 2015
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski suggests Ben Carson is not completely connected with reality, a euphemism for suggesting he's crazy.
MarkF | November 12, 2015
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski suggests Ben Carson is not completely connected with reality, a euphemism for suggesting he's crazy.
MarkF | November 11, 2015
Two days ago, Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace excoriated Ben Carson, accusing him of telling "one lie after another" and "bald-faced.Today, it was Mika Brezinski's turn to denounce the good doctor. On Morning Joe, Mika said "there's this slipperiness to him that nobody will just say. He's slippery. He doesn't tell the truth, and he doesn't make sense."
MarkF | November 10, 2015
Let's just say it's been a tough night for Chris Matthews. In one Hardball segment, talking about how tough things are in the Rust Belt, he said that in some cities there, all that's left is a maybe an IHOP, a diner or "a Blockbuster." Um, Chris, Blockbuster closed all its stores a while back.In the very next segment, Matthews introduced MSNBC reporter Hallie Jackson, who is youthful and female,…
MarkF | November 10, 2015
Introducing Eugene Robinson, Dean of the Alice In Wonderland School of Journalism. Where "who, what, when" etc. is replaced by "who cares?", and when it comes to crimes against political correctness, verdict first, trial later.On today's Morning Joe, WaPo editor Robinson expressed stunning indifference to his own ignorance of the causes that led Mizzou President Tim Wolfe to be unceremoniously…
MarkF | November 9, 2015
You say "Obama and Mandela." I say Obama taking flirty selfies at Mandela's memorial service with Danish PM, much to Michelle's displeasure. But not Chris Matthews. On this evening's Hardball, Matthews said that Obama's post-presidential goal is to be "the next Mandela." You've got to be [insert modifier] kidding me.
MarkF | November 9, 2015
An angry Joe Scarborough, saying Hugh Hewitt was "full of it," told the radio host and debate panelist "you owe me an apology on the air right now" on today's Morning Joe. Scarborough was steamed that Hewitt seemed to suggest that Joe was part of the "Manhattan-DC Beltway elite" that refused to cover Hillary's scandals. Scarborough said "I put my neck on the line every day here," covering Hillary…
MarkF | November 9, 2015
Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace went on an animated tag-team attack against Ben Carson on today's Morning Joe, accusing him of "one lie after another" and "bald-faced lies," respectively.Wallace and Mika Brzezinski also criticized panelist Mark Halperin for not buying into the Carson-is-lying line, with Mika sarcastically suggesting that Halperin had backed off Carson in return for an…
MarkF | November 8, 2015
There's no way Washington Post TV critic Stuever can be this blind to reality. It must have been his manifest hatred of Donald Trump that overwhelmed his faculties of perception or his journalistic standards . . .In his review of Trump's SNL appearance last night, Stuever actually claimed that when Larry David yelled "you're a racist" at Trump, he was being "genuine enough." But if ever an actor…
MarkF | November 6, 2015
Joe Scarborough's critique of Ben Carson went way beyond policy differences. Scarborough has suggested that Carson has character flaws that disqualify him to be president.On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough twice suggested Carson was "quirky" and that his theory on the pyramids is "crazy." Scarborough suggestively asked "whether he has the temperament, whether he has the character to be President…