U.S. Women's National Soccer Team

Patrick Taylor | July 15, 2022
“Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks,” the stand-up comic’s latest hit special, is filled with zingers — but his most recent take on women’s sports is now…
Nick Kangadis | July 30, 2020
Oh dear God! Apparently we needed a special featuring four far-leftists having a conversation about what’s wrong with everyone else and what we can…
Nick Kangadis | May 22, 2020
  U.S. Women's National Soccer Team (USWNT) co-captain and resident activist Megan Rapinoe did an interview with VICE TV this week in which she…
Nick Kangadis | May 4, 2020
According to a California federal judge, it was the members of the United States Women's National Soccer Team's (USWNT) own decisions that, in part,…
Nick Kangadis | February 21, 2020
Oh, God! Here we go again, and no, I’m not talking about the left’s Russian obsession. The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) has filed a $66…
Nick Kangadis | December 9, 2019
If you thought U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) co-captain Megan Rapinoe had an ego before, you ain’t seen nothing yet. “This is me in the…
Nick Kangadis | December 4, 2019
Why would a “strong, independent” woman need a man for anything? I mean, that’s what we’re constantly beaten over the head with. If you ask the…
Nick Kangadis | October 24, 2019
  Welcome back to Out Of Left Field!  A Vermont high school's girls soccer team recently celebrated a goal by shedding their jerseys to…
Nick Kangadis | July 11, 2019
Good Lord, woman. It’s as if U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) co-captain Megan Rapinoe has absolutely no humility or a modest bone in her body. She…
Nick Kangadis | July 8, 2019
After winning a championship on such a high level, there are a lot of things that happen in the heat of the moment. But, there are some things that…