planned parenthood
Former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, whose 12-year run as leader of the nation’s top abortion mill from 2006 to 2018 oversaw the…
It seems clear the Left overwhelmingly rejects religion because it establishes a set of common morals one must follow. Believing in a God means you…
Murdering pre-born babies now gets you honored with America's highest civilian award!
In a secret ceremony on Wednesday, President Joe Biden awarded…
Donald Trump isn’t even in office yet, and terrified leftists are already flocking to doctor’s offices, abortion mills, and local CVS stores to stock…
“Walls don’t work,” the Left cries over again. That is, unless you’re an abortion clinic attempting to stop pro-life protesters from taking your…
The pro-death hamassholes protesting the Democratic National Convention weren’t just going to head home without leaving behind a present for everyone…
In addition to his offensive attacks on freedom of association during his unconstitutional COVID Lockdowns in Minnesota, in addition to his…
Rather than murdering your baby or getting neutered in the back of a trailer, why not grab a box of free diapers and reconsider?
In case you missed…
Abortions and snip-snips and Plan B, oh my!
Leftists' plans to sterilize themselves and kill any children they might conceive by accident are on…
Virginia’s capital, Richmond, has just approved to give Planned Parenthood a $1.2 million property for an abortion clinic for just $10.
This sale…
Planned Parenthood Attempting to Sway Voters, Spending $40 Mil. on Abortion Rights Ahead of Election
The election is only six months away, and Planned Parenthood is doing what it can to oppose Republicans and support Democrats. They believe that…
During a rare Friday edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the eponymous ABC host celebrated former President Donald Trump’s birthday by announcing that he…