
Eric Pairel | April 4, 2011
As our government threatens to shut down, Uncle Jay shuts up!   But here, before he takes his spring break, are some very eloquent twins to…
Stephen Gutowski | March 24, 2011
Hey, even Presidents can end up in the dog house I suppose. Where was Michelle when this all went down? On a side note I wonder how many people are…
Joe Schoffstall | March 23, 2011
In 2007, then Sen. Joe Biden appeared on MSNBC's Hardball and said launching an attack without congressional approval is an impeachable offense. This…
Joe Schoffstall | March 18, 2011
President Barack Obama said Friday that the U.S. will help its allies enforce a no-fly zone over parts of Libya if Moammar Gadhafi does not…
Stephen Gutowski | February 18, 2011
Well Obama's science czar John Holdren is back and more radical than ever. Check out this video our sister site CNS News uncovered: "Anybody who…
Stephen Gutowski | February 17, 2011
When asked about the public employee benefits cuts in Wisconsin and the resulting union protests President Obama said he saw the cuts and other…
Stephen Gutowski | February 15, 2011
Here it is folks. The shame of one generation impersonating the shame of another. I tremble for us all. In all seriousness though that was a pretty…
Joe Schoffstall | February 14, 2011
President Barack Obama will send Congress a $3.7 trillion budget via Bloomberg.
Joe Schoffstall | January 27, 2011
Harry Reid told ABC's Jonathan Karl President Obama is wrong when it comes to his supposed 'earmark ban' promised during his State of the Union…
Joe Schoffstall | January 26, 2011
Everyone has been talking about Paul Ryan and Michelle Bachmann's State of the Union responses. However, Sen. Rand Paul made an unofficial response…
Joe Schoffstall | January 26, 2011
If you didn't catch the GOP response by Rep. Paul Ryan or the "Tea Party" response by Rep. Michelle Bachmann after Obama's SOTU address, here they…
Joe Schoffstall | January 26, 2011
PBS caught up with Rep. Mike Pence after Obama's State of the Union address and said while he is happy he spoke of America's strengths, he was…