Louis Farrakhan

Sergie Daez | March 3, 2021
Social media giants Twitter and Facebook have publicly announced they will remove "misinformation" about COVID-19 vaccines from their sites - but…
Clay Robinson | July 14, 2020
Nick Cannon, a former host of "America’s Got Talent," is being called out by a Jewish blogger for spouting racist and anti-Semitic tropes on his…
Clay Robinson | July 7, 2020
Philadelphia Eagles football star DeSean Jackson is being accused of promoting anti-Semitic and anti-vaccine content on his personal Instagram on…
Nick Kangadis | February 27, 2020
Some people are so dedicated to their respective cause that they will openly call a murderous terrorist their “brother.” It’s either that or those…
Nick Kangadis | May 3, 2019
At this point it might be easier to count the days where CNN doesn’t deliver fake news. Host Alisyn Camerota actually included the anti-Semitic…
Kristine Marsh | May 3, 2019
read more at NewsBusters here Despite the Washington Post making this same blunder yesterday and facing backlash for it, CNN went ahead and labeled…
Nick Kangadis | May 3, 2019
Trusting social media companies to be honest with its users is equal to trusting the media with being honest to its viewers — it happens very rarely…
Nick Kangadis | March 29, 2019
It’s happened, folks. I wondered how long it would take, because I’m not an apologist for my opinions. I’ve essentially been temporarily banned from…
Nick Kangadis | February 18, 2019
There’s an old saying that goes, “real recognizes real.” Could that same logic be applied when it comes to anti-Semitism? During his keynote address…
Nick Kangadis | January 18, 2019
The hits just keep on coming for the “ladies” of the Women’s March. The group currently has an extreme image problem in the form of anti-Semitism. No…
Kristine Marsh | January 14, 2019
read more at NewsBusters here. View co-host Meghan McCain held her liberal guest’s feet to the fire after the latter repeatedly dodged then flat-out…
Nick Kangadis | November 5, 2018
I’m not usually one to call for action against someone for something they said. Even if I don’t like what they have to say, it’s still their right to…