
Brittany M. Hughes | February 12, 2021
Thousands of jobs lost. Billions sent overseas. Borders open to anyone who can get across them. Abortions on demand and on taxpayers' dime. Welcome…
Connor Grant | February 11, 2021
A total of 75,198 migrants were taken into custody in January for illegally crossing the Southwest U.S. Border, according to new data published by U.…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 8, 2021
If it's been a while since you and your family took a vacation somewhere sunny and warm, this article might not be for you. Then again, if you're an…
Connor Grant | February 5, 2021
In a political landscape defined by division and mainstream media constantly focused on negative news, it is easy to forget that there are GREAT…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 3, 2021
Just two weeks into his administration, President Joe Biden is being forced to open a new “overflow” facility – i.e., more cages! - to contain a new…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 18, 2021
The incoming Biden administration is now telling thousands of would-be illegal aliens from Central America not to make the journey to the Southwest U…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 5, 2021
It’s been roughly two months since the November election, and already, the number of illegal aliens caught attempting to cross the Southwest U.S.…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 30, 2020
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement this week deported an illegal alien living in Washington State who’d been convicted of child molestation and…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 29, 2020
Just days after suspending the account of a White House scientist who questioned the efficacy of a universal mask mandate, Twitter has now reportedly…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 23, 2020
I don't know who needs to hear this today, but if you don't know what a "coyote" is, you shouldn't even be discussing the issue of immigration, let…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 13, 2020
Border agents made the second-largest meth and fentanyl drug bust in the agency's history this week, apprehending more than 3,100 pounds of…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 9, 2020
In other news that isn’t being covered, border agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Thursday nabbed a previously deported MS-13 gang…