
danjoseph | September 22, 2015
In this incredible video, two Eastern European men find out what happens when they fire an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) at 45 layers of acrylic,…
Craig Bannister | July 21, 2015
In response to the Chattanooga shootings that left five servicemen dead, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) has sent a letter to Chairman John McCain (R-…
Barbara Boland | April 16, 2015
“When it comes to Constitutional rights, what matters is what the Bill of Rights says. It doesn’t matter what might be popular at the moment,” said…
danjoseph | January 9, 2015
A Walmart employee in Dallas refused to print a couple’s wedding photo in which the husband is holding a shotgun because he believed it promoted “…