Brandon Johnson
Taking down statues of historical figures that the left deems "racist" is nothing new, as they have been attempting to do so for years across college…
I’ve said it before, but it’s really sad to see the decline of another once great American city. In this case, that city is my hometown of Chicago.…
Leftists have now perhaps enacted the biggest virtue signal I’ve seen in a long time. Talk about meaningless legislation, Chicago has accomplished…
“…looking for direction.”
Those are the words of the supposed leader of a major American city when it comes to the illegal immigrant crisis plaguing…
These Marxists, socialists and straight up communists that run sanctuary cities and states seem to be growing in their outrage at the strain the…
You know, I really want to feel bad for the residents of the city of Chicago — my hometown — but I just can’t muster up enough “give a damn” to end…
Chicago is beginning to get what it deserves as a result of the city going further left after complaining for years about ousted former Mayor Lori…
Welcome back for another edition of the best kept secret in the conservative movement, Things That Need To Be Said. Depending on your…