MRC Latino | September 23, 2018
  JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: Have you found, José Andrés, the formula for helping people? Something that governments can’t do? What do you do that governments don’t know how to? CHEF JOSÉ ANDRÉS: The folks that work in government are wonderful people. They’re like you and like me. They want to do the best they can, but sometimes there are so many laws, so many regulations, that they’re…
MRC Latino | September 18, 2018
JOSE DÍAZ-BALART, ANCHORMAN, TELEMUNDO NEWS: The President, today in the White House celebrated the start of Hispanic Heritage month. At the event he said that the economy is on a roll, ensuring Hispanic business owners are leading the upswing. He also highlighted that unemployment among Latinos is now at its lowest point.
MRC Latino | September 17, 2018
  JORGE RAMOS, SENIOR ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Governor, I’ve got a minute left and I’d like to ask you the following: Do you regret that press conference in San Juan where President Donald Trump asked how many fatalities there were and you told him 16? Many feel, Governor, that you took a very submissive attitude towards President Donald Trump, and that you should’ve demanded much more from him. Do…
MRC Latino | September 16, 2018
  JORGE RAMOS, SENIOR ANCHOR, UNIVISION: So, did three thousand people die in Puerto Rico, or did they not die, per the President? U.S. REP. LUIS GUTIÉRREZ (D-IL): Jorge, I was there ten days after the hurricane. noon...gridlocked. In other words, if you were sick you couldn’t get to the hospital. Ah? RAMOS: But is that President Trump’s fault? GUTIÉRREZ: This is the most…
MRC Latino | September 12, 2018
JORGE RAMOS, ANCHOR AL PUNTO: A great job?  JENNIFFER GONZÁLEZ, PUERTO RICO RESIDENT COMMISSIONER: Well...Well, you can go to what opinion you have of the president or how you categorize yourself. The truth is that the people of Puerto Rico have received federal aid like never before in history, more than 44 billion dollars. ---------- RAMOS: Do you agree that this was a fantastic job and that…
MRC Latino | September 5, 2018
JORGE RAMOS, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Let´s go straight to the point. We begin with a new scandal of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. The accusations are brutal, 300 priests in the state of Pennsylvania abused more than one thousand children during seven decades, and the details are gruesome. They range from a seven-year-old girl raped by a priest in a hospital following surgery, to sexual…
MRC Latino | August 31, 2018
  ANA MARIA MEJIA, CORRESPONDENT, CNN EN ESPAÑOL: There is controversy, Juan Carlos, precisely due to some statements given by the other candidate, the one elected by the Republicans, Ron DeSantis. Well, he gave some statements on TV today where he spoke with, like, a bit of a racist tinge and he has been broadly criticized. DeSantis was publicly endorsed by President Donald Trump. Let’s…
MRC Latino | August 29, 2018
  LOURDES DEL RIO, UNIVISION REPORTER: But what has set tongues wagging the most today… U.S. REP. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): ..the last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda… LOURDES DEL RIO, UNIVISION REPORTER: ...are statements by DeSantis to Fox News, where he used the word “monkey” -a term considered by some to be racist-  in order to warn that were…
MRC Latino | August 27, 2018
ILIA CALDERON, ANCHOR, NOTICIERO UNIVISION: Good evening. The undocumented immigrant charged with the murder of an Iowa student passed his background checks for employment at a farm. But the company that employed Christian Bahena Rivera stated that he worked under another identity, that they didn’t know he was undocumented and described him as “a good worker”.
MRC Latino | August 22, 2018
  JORGE RAMOS: President Trump met with the governor and said, “We’ve helped you too much.” What do you think? Did they….did Trump help too much? BENICIO DEL TORO: No, no, not too much, no. RAMOS: Did he do enough? DEL TORO: No- they helped, they helped and there was help, but… RAMOS: When he sen...when he threw those paper towels, how did you feel as a Puerto Rican? DEL TORO: Humiliated…