CNNEE Did Not Monkey Up DeSantis Coverage

MRC Latino | August 31, 2018
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ANA MARIA MEJIA, CORRESPONDENT, CNN EN ESPAÑOL: There is controversy, Juan Carlos, precisely due to some statements given by the other candidate, the one elected by the Republicans, Ron DeSantis. Well, he gave some statements on TV today where he spoke with, like, a bit of a racist tinge and he has been broadly criticized. DeSantis was publicly endorsed by President Donald Trump. Let’s listen to what is causing this whole controversy:

(VOICE-OVER OF) REP. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): Then, we have to work hard to ensure that Florida continues along the right path. Let’s build upon the success we’ve had with Governor Scott. The last thing we need (is to) muck it up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with a huge tax increase and bankrupting the state. That’s not going to work. That won’t be good for Florida.

JUAN CARLOS LÓPEZ, ANCHOR, CNN EN ESPAÑOL: Now we have to point out, Ana María, what the controversy is with regard to Ron DeSantis’ statements. In this interview that we showed you, he said that it wasn’t time for Florida to monkey it up. Depends on how you interpret it...monkeying around, monkey business...making reference to what, he says, he wanted to say was-  to make reckless decisions with regard to the future of the state. But that reference in English, “monkey up”, has to do with a monkey- the opposing candidate is