MRC Latino | February 25, 2016
ORLANDO SEGURA, UNIVISION: During the last 30 years three migrant waves of Pueblans to New York have existed. The first was in the 80’s, benefitting from the amnesty of Ronald Reagan. The second, during the economic boom of the presidency of Bill Clinton. The third, we are living through right now.
MRC Latino | February 23, 2016
MARIA CELESTE ARRARAS, CO-ANCHOR, TELEMUNDO: I will be there as part of this historic event where you will hear in Spanish all the answers of the candidates to all the topics that matter to our community.
MRC Latino | February 23, 2016
SATCHA PRETTO, NEWS ANCHOR: While some states apply a strong hand against undocumented immigration, others fight for their rights. In New York, a group of city council members battle for people who live with work permits, refugee status and/or eventually those without documents to vote in local elections. Defenders of the measure assure that in the past, similar measures have been approved.
MRC Latino | February 22, 2016
ANDRES SOTO: It’s hard to be able to vote for someone like Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio because as a Hispanic and a Christian, I do not believe they represent any of the values I have. MARIANA ATENCIO, UNIVISION REPORTER: The pastor says that although he aligns himself with Republicans in many principles, he does not want to vote for that party, much less for Donald Trump. PASTOR REINALDO SOTO:…
MRC Latino | February 20, 2016
MARIA ELVIRA SALAZAR, ANCHOR, MEGA NEWS: Now, the supposed ex-lover of former President Bill Clinton is assuring that Hillary is a lesbian. Miss Sally Miller, who was once Miss Arkansas, says she had a romance with Bill in 1983, and that the then Governor of that state told her that Hillary didn't like having sex with him, because she preferred sex with women.
MRC Latino | February 17, 2016
MARIA ELVIRA SALAZAR, ANCHOR, MEGA NOTICIERO: Another tragedy. The brothers who don't have a legal immigrant status in this country. Sanctuary cities are the best shelters, because at least they can't be deported that easily. But now there's a bill that wants to remove that protection from sanctuary cities.
MRC Latino | February 16, 2016
HON. SUSANA MARTINEZ, GOVERNOR OF NEW MEXICO: Now, the Federal Government has said the license of the people who are here illegally is not sufficient to have identification that is authentic.
MRC Latino | February 11, 2016
VIVIANA AVILA, UNIVISION CORRESPONDENT: The bill's sponsor, Republican John Spiros, says the status of a person would only be looked into if they are arrested for a crime. HON. JOHN SPIROS (R-WI): It is not an anti-immigration bill. VIVIANA AVILA, UNIVISION CORRESPONDENT: It's not an anti-immigration bill. It's a bill to protect all residents, says the legislator.
MRC Latino | February 10, 2016
ERIKA ANDIOLA, HISPANIC PRESS SECRETARY, BERNIE 2016: Arriving to the presidency, he's not only going to focus on immigration reform in Congress. He's going to focus on stopping deportations, stopping the raids.
MRC Latino | February 8, 2016
ADOLFO FRANCO, REPUBLICAN ANALYST: What's happenning with the New York Times, Jorge, and with the leftist media in general, is that they want to reserve the position for a Democrat. Like they did with the Supreme Court, when they rejected the nominations of George W. Bush.